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Good Days: Why does Grandma leave the production line too early to make the audience reluctant?

(2021-06-22 08:57:31)

Good Days

Wu Yanshu

Wang Qianyuan

Child bud

Ding Jiali

Classification: ▼ Random film review

      Good Days: Why does Grandma leave the production line too early to make the audience reluctant?

      "Good Days" is now on the air. Those who follow the show must not be because of Wang Qianyuan playing Qi Qianyuan. Although he is full of energy, the staff of Qi Qianyuan is too thin, and the men of Dabeichang are biased by Qi Qianyuan, leaving little "good" memories for the audience, but the "women" of Dabeichang led by Wu Yanshu They pushed the plot to the climax again and again, and their performance was very consistent, whether it was Tong Lei (Bai Ruoxue), Yu Mingjia (Sheng Jie), Ding Jiali (Liu Guiqin), or Ni Hongjie (Cao Dehe).

      But it can really support the scene and make this era drama warm and affectionate. It is the wonderful performance of Mrs. Jiang by Ms. Wu Yanshu, the "national grandmother". Little editor did not expect it I was moved by the old woman in the play when I chased the play. We can see that she is steady and dignified, and her actions make us feel elegant and pleasing to the eyes. Her face is full of vicissitudes, and she smiles and smiles, but she has warmed the years and warmed you and me... Yesterday Grandma Jiang was offline, and the audience was really reluctant. Some netizens said, "There is an old family, like a treasure." Jiang grandma   Always smiling in the face of life Of All kinds of difficulties also brought this optimism to the family home of Dabeichang Of Everyone, like a ray of sunshine, gives everyone a real Of Warm~"Some netizens said:“ grandma , look fine Of days You make me feel the warmest Of Role, hope in real life Of You, healthy, happy, happy! ”More netizens said: "It's a pity that grandma left just after the good day began." However, some netizens said: "Teacher Wu Yanshu is 83 years old this year, so it's time to call the elderly to rest." Good Days: Why does Grandma leave the production line too early to make the audience reluctant?

        frankly speaking, Regardless of temperament or acting skills, Wu Yanshu will never lose to young people! It is 83 years old this year. At the age of 83, he is still in the play, which has to be admired. She portrayed an illiterate but storyful old man in the countryside so well that she not only lived as the backbone of the former family, but also the backbone of the staff dormitory building of Dabei Plant. Whose daughter-in-law is pregnant again, whose baby is sick again, all put it in grandma's heart. Taking care of the children and solving the marital discord have almost become the daily life of grandma.

      Especially in the time of food shortage and famine, Mother Qi would rather be hungry and try to take Ruoshue and the children into consideration. She felt that she could not help drag her back. She even secretly wanted to go back to her hometown alone. Fortunately, she was chased back by Qi. The part where Grandma cried on the train made me cry too much. Even now, such a mother-in-law is definitely a rare good mother-in-law, which is the blessing of the family. Good Days: Why does Grandma leave the production line too early to make the audience reluctant?

      For the neighbors, Grandma is also warm-hearted, and she likes to make delicious food for everyone to share. When Shengjie got married, she prepared quilts, and when she gave birth, she made hundreds of clothes. Shengjie asked his mother to give him the name of his child, which showed that she was respected by everyone. I have to say that Mrs. Jiang, as interpreted by Ms. Wu Yanshu, has a general understanding of things and is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Her every move, every word and every word in the play is so natural and fluent that you will feel that she is not in the play, but the good grandma around us. No matter how naughty she is, she will become cautious in front of her.

      Maybe many of us, Nansun Grandma, who was elegant in "Golden Days", got to know Wu Yanshu. At that time, she said: "Age is not a problem, and she will always go on her loving acting career." Wu Yanshu played a supporting role as the main character through "Good Days". Everyone also left a message to praise Grandma's acting skills, which made her feel comfortable.

      According to the data, Ms. Wu Yanshu is a national first-class actor. She was born in 1938 and is 83 years old this year. Before retirement, she worked in Shanxi Theater, so she participated in relatively few films and television works. However, due to years of stage experience, she was transferred to the film and television industry in the 1990s. She not only performed well, but also won many Golden Horse Awards. He was nominated for the Golden Rooster Award and won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress. Although there are not many films and TV works of Ms. Wu Yanshu, her works can gain good reputation. Some media said:“ In the film Love and Blind Date, Wu Yanshu showed her wonderful acting skills   , using acting skills to conquer the audience! " Some media also said: "In the movie" Beijing Meets Seattle's Love Letter ", she interpreted her girlish grandmother incisively and vividly, reaped many audience's tears, and became the" national grandmother "in the eyes of the audience." Good Days: Why does Grandma leave the production line too early to make the audience reluctant?

    Yesterday, Grandma Jiang was offline, and many netizens were reluctant to part with her. Some netizens said: "Teacher Wu Yanshu performed very well, and I really want to see more episodes, The beautiful days have just begun. Maybe the rapid development of the plot will make us jubilant, but we still can't forget Grandma. Because of her, people in Dabei Plant have the most simple feelings. Because of her, they have the courage to move forward with more difficulties! (Random)


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