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I will teach you how to choose cosmetics. I will never be afraid to spend money unjustly!

(2016-07-08 13:20:03)

Make up


Select products

Classification: Beauty and skin care

Faced with the dazzling variety of cosmetics, many younger women are worried about which brand of products to choose? Even if the online recommendations are everywhere, but others think it is easy to use, they may not be applicable. The most important thing is that there are so many lines in the ingredient list of cosmetics. Who can understand which ingredients are bad?

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Afraid of spending money unjustly? I'll teach you how to choose cosmetics some Tips, for your health and safety, take a pen and paper to record it!

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1. Make up

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  STEP 1: When choosing makeup, you can try it on the back of your hand or the ear root first, because these two parts are the most sensitive areas for human perception. If they are not allergic here, they will not be allergic when used on your face.

  STEP 2: Rub silver products slightly on the area where the makeup is applied. If there are black or light black marks, it means that the cosmetics contain heavy metals such as lead.


2. Foundation


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Take a proper amount of it and put it into water for observation. The foundation that does not stick to the edge of the cup, float or sink the bottom of the cup can be used safely. 1) Spread and stick on the cup wall: it means that there is too much animal oil, which is harmful to the skin. 2) Floating on the water: it indicates that there is light oil. Although moisturizing, it is not breathable, and may also block pores, making pores rough. 3) Sink at the bottom of the cup: indicating that it contains lead, tribute and other heavy metals.


3. Facial cleanser


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Smell whether there is a pungent or strong fragrance. Squeeze on the hand should be water melting, no greasy feeling.


4. Toner


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  STEP 1: Shake hard and watch the bubbles. 1) There are few bubbles, indicating little nutrition. 2) There are many and large bubbles, indicating that they contain salicylic acid. Salicylic acid has good skin cleaning effect, but it is easy to irritate sensitive skin. 3) Many bubbles are very thin and disappear quickly, indicating that they contain alcohol. This kind of water should not be used for a long time, and it is easy to damage the protective film of the skin. 4) The bubbles are delicate and rich, with a thick layer, and can last for a long time. Generally, the quality is good.


http://cache.mina.com.cn/uploads/allimg/160707/44-160FFZU5338-m.jpg Ma Ma is no longer afraid that I will spend money unjustly! " />


STEP 2: The poor quality toner has a cool feeling when used, and smells of alcohol.


5. Emulsion

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  STEP 1: Smell it. Good quality emulsion has no strong flavor of spice.

  STEP 2: Take a small amount of it and put it into clean water. If it floats on the water, it proves that oleoresin will harm the skin, causing dry skin and water shortage, which is the main reason for blocking pores.


6. Face cream

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  STEP 1: If the cream filling technology is good and the texture is fine, its surface will be uniform and smooth, without large and small pores.

  STEP 2: Apply it on the paper and wipe it off later. If it has moisturizing effect, the paper will wrinkle. If the paper becomes transparent, it is made of mineral oil.


7. Essence

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  STEP 1: Observe the color and shape. If turbidity, precipitation or discoloration are found, do not buy.

  STEP 2: Dropped on a stack of tissue paper or cotton pad, if it is easy to penetrate downward, it means that the molecule is small, has strong penetration, and is easy to be absorbed by the skin. If it only diffuses on the surface, it means that it is not well absorbed.


8. Makeup remover


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  STEP 1: Test whether the makeup remover is easy to integrate with the makeup product and can be wiped off with paper.

  STEP 2: If there are lumps in the makeup remover, it means that the storage time is too long, and you should not buy it.


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After reading so much, do you already know how to choose cosmetics in the counter. Or you can use the above methods to check whether the skin care products and cosmetics at home are qualified!

(All pictures are from the network)


Mina Fashion (www.mina. com. cn) Exclusive manuscript, please do not reprint without authorization


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