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Fan economy: there is a "male god" in everything

(2014-09-16 16:45:27)




 Fan economy: there is a "male god" in everything

Fan economy: there is a "male god" in everything

Sheep man


            It is common for clothing brands to invite spokesmen. They pay a lot of money to invite popular idols to shoot advertisements for the brand, and use the advertising blockbusters they wear to attract fans to pay attention to the brand and buy products. There has always been a saying in the industry that fans win the world. In recent years, South Korean dramas have caused an audience boom in China. While millions of fans are obsessed with pursuing dramas, they are also keen to follow the fashion of Korean stars in the dramas.

            Earlier, we signed two spokesmen, Li Minhao and Jin Xiuxian, and the huge influence of the two male gods, "Long Legged Oba" and "Professor Du", attracted attention. Recently, we signed Korean star Li Zhongshuo as our brand spokesman, which is known as the "male god base" with heavy money and is good at capturing the current "entertainment hot spots", and gradually becomes the practice of "fan economy" in the domestic clothing industry On the one hand, everyone envies, envies and hates its huge investment, on the other hand, they have doubts about the actual effect of fan economy.


            Korean Star's Fashion Influence


              The star effect plays a role in driving consumption in many fields. In the final analysis, the cooperation between brands and stars focuses on the huge fan groups behind stars, and gives play to the advertising effect of stars and their influence on fans. Nowadays, the purchasing power of fans is amazing, which has been successful in many industries, from Korean fried chicken to Xiaomi mobile phones. It is more obvious in the fashion field, and the "fan economy" is the direct power that affects the marriage between the fashion circle and the entertainment circle.

            Watching Korean dramas, Korean fans and being influenced by Korean trends are the current situation of young people. Korean stars are not only well-known and have many fans, but also the leader of Asian fashion trends. Some time ago, "You from the Stars" was popular all over the country, and the costumes of the heroes and heroines were all sought after by fans. Qiansuoyi's white thickened woolen coat of the same style has a monthly sales volume of 3699 pieces; Even the book "Edward's Wonderful Journey", read by the actor Du Minjun before going to bed, sold 3867 pieces in a month in an online store. Delvaux, a Belgian leather goods brand with few domestic shoppers, became the hottest in the season overnight after its appearance in the hands of Jun Zhixian, and was sold out of stock.

            With the craze of "The Inheritors" and "You from the Star" in China, "Long Legged Oba" Li Minhao and "Professor Du" Jin Xiuxian have become the heroes in the hearts of fans. Their attention and influence are the same for a while, Semir Senma has signed a contract with them to build a "national male god base" with heavy money, linking "entertainment effect" with "fan economy". It seems that it is a money spinner, but it is actually a thorough business consideration. With the help of masculinity, Semir Senma took the lead in recovering from the downturn in the industry in 2013. The joint endorsement of Jin Xiuxian and Li Minhao increased the overall order amount by about 10% year on year, and the net profit in 2013 by about 20% year on year. The return on investment of "masculinity base" is quite ideal.

            The role of Korean stars is not only to stimulate fashion consumption, but also to promote brand awareness and high grade. Li Zhongshuo, who has super popularity, top model background and excellent dress and style taste, has joined in, further pushing up the rapidly rising "perfect male god" cyclone, and at the same time, making more young people who are keen on Korean Wave culture become brand fans, further consolidating the "fan economy" effect.


            Fans strategy from catering to guidance


      Everyone knows the truth of "fans get the market", and the popularity of Korean stars is also obvious, but how to play this card is the key. With a deep understanding of the culture of domestic fans, Semi Sema has become the best example of the practice of the "fan economy" model in the domestic clothing industry, and created the "Sima model" of fan economy. First of all, the response should be fast and efficient enough. After Li Minhao and Jin Xiuxian became the "national male gods", there were numerous brands interested in cooperating with them. However, when many enterprises were still discussing their cooperation intentions internally and evaluating whether the high cooperation costs could bring enough commercial returns, Semir Senma had completed the contract at the first time to win the first opportunity. While other enterprises are following the trend of cooperation, Semir Senma has already prospectively found the next "male god", signed Li Zhongshuo, and completed the construction of "national male god base".

            The signing of Lee Chung shuo is not only because he is a rare dashing man in the Korean film and television industry in recent years, but also because his outstanding dressing taste is recognized and sought after, especially the unique style of "a white shirt can wear a style", which has caused a great following trend, and his sunny, fashionable and energetic dressing style matches with unique clothing, It is the image Semir Senma wants to spread to the audience.

            Signing an idol star at a high price does not mean a steady win. Many brands pursue the most popular Korean stars regardless of cost, and become rich and lose themselves. Signing stars to attract fans' attention is only a prerequisite for success in the fan economy, and more importantly, it will lead fans' good feelings and recognition of idols to brands and products.

After Li Minho signed the contract, Semir Senma starred him in "Your Moment My Moment, launched the marketing mode of "micro film+micro blog interaction", used only 100000 yuan of media communication investment, and got 153000 hits in two weeks, 70 times the official TVC. The brand skillfully combines the product with the micro film, and the homeopathic promotion is a new seasonal product. It has successfully transferred the fans' love for idols to the product, making the product topic attention and discussion 50 times higher than before. The limited TEE is sold out in one day, and online shopping is sold out within 3 minutes of opening, which has successfully attracted and accumulated popularity for the just started Taobao Tmall Store. This set a precedent for micro film marketing in the clothing industry and created the "Sima Mode" of fan economy.

    The business model of "fan economy" can indeed attract the attention of many fans and quickly open the market. However, whether the brand can survive for a long time and survive better and better is not enough only depending on the star effect. The brand must continue to enrich and optimize its product structure. The key is that, Let more and more young consumers who pursue fashion trends join the brand support team through the appeal of idols, and then be able to transfer from fan stars to fan products and brands.


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