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Live broadcast on July 13

(2021-07-13 09:21:38)
15:01  Today, the index fluctuated in a narrow range. Recently, new energy and chips in the strong sectors have taken a break, and today's chip callback range is a bit large. The disk wheel moves to the low over falling sector, and liquor, coal, photovoltaic building integration, etc.
The rhythm of the market has a taste of high and low. In operation, we should pay attention to the opportunities of low absorption of the plate with medium and long term logic, rather than drawing a dipper like that.
In terms of volume and energy, today's trading volume of the two cities is still 1.2 trillion yuan, which is very healthy. In addition, the GEM index is only a small correction, except for the large correction of chips.
See you in the evening for the specific re offering! [proud]

13:52    The medium and long term logic of the coal wave is that the lack of new capacity is the core factor for the improvement of the price center. With the continuous reduction of new capacity, the supply elasticity of the coal industry is weakened, and the price is expected to continue to strengthen, which may drive the increase of industry valuation.

13:35  Half an hour in the afternoon, the ink on the disk shook, and there was nothing to say.
As long as the capacity is OK, wait for the opportunity to stop falling and stabilize.

13:14  Carbon neutral concept stocks continued to strengthen in the afternoon, with Changyuan Power, Chevron and Sinosteel International trading limits.
In the afternoon, new energy continued to fall, and the oversold rebound continued to strengthen.

11:29  Today, the board took the rhythm of oversold rebound, such as liquor, coal, carbon neutrality, games, etc; The chip sector suffered the most, with a comprehensive correction. In terms of new energy, the front row correction was generally small, and the back row correction was also large.
In general, the current position is a technical callback after the index has soared. First, observe, and focus on the capacity. As long as the capacity is still above one trillion, the structural market will continue.

11:05  The chip's callback range today is a bit tragic, which is the trend of large-scale callback.
On the contrary, the front row callback of new energy is generally small, and the rear row callback is also very large.

10:18  The turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets exceeded 500 billion yuan in just over 40 minutes.
Is the sharp fall of this rhythm an opportunity?

10:04  The GEM index fell by more than 1% and was hit at a new high, mainly because of the sharp drop in new energy and chips.
Looking back at this position, the risks of new energy outweigh the opportunities, and the opportunities of science and technology outweigh the risks.

9:53  In the morning, the chip plate had a large callback, and the new energy could not pull the rhythm of wanting to rest.
In contrast, in technology stocks, the network security sector continued to rise sharply, with two pieces of 20cm, and the technology direction continued to spread to games.
You can pay attention to this direction. It is suggested that you go to see yesterday's review article.

9:40  Historic moment!
Driven by lithium battery, network security and other sectors, the GEM index continued to rise, and the GEM index historically exceeded the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index.
The total market value of the GEM heavyweight Ningde Times has reached 1340 billion yuan, ranking first in Shenzhen Stock Exchange and fourth in A-share market, second only to Guizhou Moutai, ICBC and China Construction Bank.

9:27  Collective auction: The index opened at a low level, with the Shanghai Index falling 0.01%, the Shenzhen Composite Index falling 0.07%, the GEM Index falling 0.46%, and the Internet security and phosphorus chemical sectors opening actively.

The central bank launched a 10 billion yuan reverse repurchase operation today, with a bid winning interest rate of 2.2%. Since the reverse repurchase of 10 billion yuan expired today, zero release and zero withdrawal were realized on that day.


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