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Live broadcast on July 12

(2021-07-12 09:04:28)
15:00  Today, the market is a bit hot, and the funds are also very emotional. For example, when the cxo new policy came out, it was interpreted as the news of Li Kong, and Medici was directly hit. Many people later came out to explain that the new policy is actually more conducive to industry leaders. Today, the market atmosphere was good, and it directly pulled a big positive line. Kang Long turned into a new high.
What does this mean?
In fact, the effectiveness of the market is not as strong as everyone thought, and it is also very emotional. There are many estimates of real value investment, more trend trading.
In terms of capacity, the trading volume of the two cities today has exceeded 1.3 trillion yuan, which is full of momentum. However, we should pay attention to the strong structure and the right direction. For example, China Ping An, which adheres to the traditional white horse, is still at a new low today, so the mainstream variety is the king.

The turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets exceeded 1.2 trillion yuan, and the pace is going to exceed 1.3 trillion yuan.

14:08  The banking sector continued to weaken, with Bank of Hangzhou down more than 6%.
Is it not good for banks to reduce the reserve requirement comprehensively? The market trend is very strange.

13:22  In the afternoon, the chip rebounded, and Hongmeng became stronger. Today, the leading sector in the market is network security.
The overall rhythm is also the continuous performance of science and technology, and there are chips starting to spread out. Next, we should pay attention to whether science and technology can accept the funds flowing from new energy.

13:14  The turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets exceeded 900 billion yuan.
In the afternoon, when the casino opened for 10 minutes, it reached 900 billion yuan. The market is not short of money at all.
According to this rhythm, today's trading volume will continue to reach a new high. The volume is healthy, and mainstream opportunities outweigh risks.

11:31  The GEM rose sharply in the morning and exceeded 4% in the session, mainly due to the surge of cxo and new energy. The market was very hot. The new energy big brother reached a new historical high and continued to rise with a group of younger brothers. Kanglong turned into a big positive line, a direct historical high. A few days ago, it was a tough day for cxo, and a positive line directly changed its life against the sky.
At present, the rhythm of the market is crazy speculation around the high boom manufacturing industry. This market is a world where the trend of shareholding is not moving, and the courage to plunge to bottom.

10:38  The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicly solicited opinions on the Three Year Action Plan for High Quality Development of the Network Security Industry (2021-2023) (Draft for Comments).
It is proposed that by 2023, the scale of the network security industry will exceed 250 billion yuan, with an annual compound growth rate of more than 15%.
A number of key core technologies of network security have achieved breakthroughs and reached an advanced level.

10:32  In the opening hour, the turnover of the two markets exceeded 620 billion yuan.
This trading volume has set a new high in the first hour of this market, just to see if it will exceed 1.2 trillion today.

9:43  The hype logic in nonferrous metals is still on the new energy side. Lithium ore and rare earth are upstream materials of new energy.
The hype of new energy is more crazy than that of December last year. It can be compared with 19 years of chips and 20 years of medicine and consumption.

9:36  The opening chips and consumption fell sharply, and new energy continued to rise, but today the direction of the market leading the rise became the non-ferrous plate.

9:28  Collective bidding: The index opened higher collectively, with the Shanghai Index rising 0.6%, the Shenzhen Composite Index rising 0.85%, the GEM Index rising 1.28%, and the automobile, planting and forestry industries opening actively.

9:04  The FTSE China A50 index futures opened at a low price, up 1.3%, after closing 1.41% higher on the previous trading day and night.
It is also certain that the three major indexes will be higher than 1% today, and the overall RRR reduction is really surprising.


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