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Live broadcast on June 18

(2021-06-18 09:42:09)
14:58  The GEM continues to rebound strongly. The rebound of new energy in the past two days has indeed exceeded expectations. As long as the decline logic is falsified, the speed of repair is always very fast.
When the plate fell sharply on Wednesday, it was also planned to follow a panic market the next day, but it was unexpected that the rebound was so fierce.
Hongmeng plate weakened all the way in the afternoon, which made Hongmeng act as a pioneer in the trend of science and technology. After bringing semiconductors, they sacrificed themselves. This wave of callback to Hongmeng next week is an opportunity to consider the details.
In terms of capacity, today's turnover of the two cities is close to trillion yuan, and the market is still so prosperous.
See you on Sunday for specific re listing!

14:38  In the afternoon, 60 minutes later, the index closed a sunny line with a shadow, but its volume shrank by 4 billion yuan. Obviously, today's index diving was frequent and large-scale, but the index retreated and continued to shrink, which means that the current market sentiment, trading volume and the trend of the index have completely deviated

13:37  The Shanghai Stock Index plunged slightly. The main reason for the weak trend of the Shanghai Stock Index today is that the decline of the first tier liquor is relatively large. You can see from the contribution list of individual stocks.

13:24  In the afternoon, the new energy sector became stronger and stronger. The ceiling of heaven sent materials rose, and Putai set a new record. The rebound of this wave of new energy really exceeded expectations.

11:16  The noodles are a bit messy today, but generally speaking, the strong are always strong. The organosilicon and military industry that suddenly appear in the middle are just auxiliary dishes.
The new energy is still yyds. Chips at the high level do not appear to deceive people, but have gone through a series of differences, and the front row is still strong.

10:20  At 18:48 on June 17, 2021, astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo successively entered the Tianhe Core Module, marking the first time that Chinese people entered their own space station
I am more and more powerful in China.

10:14  This year, electric vehicles belong to the comprehensive market brought by the demand that continues to exceed expectations, and the institutions are still optimistic about leading companies with cost and product advantages in the medium and long term.
Therefore, this is the reason why there are a large number of funds waiting for bottom hunting after the sharp decline of high prosperity industries.

9:58  The organic silicon sector continued to rise, Runhe Materials rose by the cap, Dongyue Silicon rose by more than 18%, and Sibao Technology rose by more than 13%.
In the news, the price of many varieties in the domestic silicone industry chain has risen recently.

9:42  Hong Kong shares represented by Hang Seng Technology Index rose to 2%, led by Sunny Optical Technology and Wanguo Data.


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