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Live broadcast on June 9

(2021-06-09 09:27:05)
14:59  In the last half hour, Hongmeng concept stocks broke out, which was a bit unexpected. Originally, the market was not warm in the afternoon, but suddenly there was a sneak attack, which made people excited. The Shanghai index also turned red, waiting to see tomorrow's performance.
In terms of capacity, the trading volume of the two cities today has shrunk to below 900 billion, which may be two trading days away from holidays, and the desire for capital trading is not strong.
See you in the evening for the specific re offering!

14:22  Judging from today's capital trend, the capital inflow direction is mainly coal, petroleum, chemical industry, etc.
The outflow of funds is mainly concentrated in big finance, securities, medicine and other sectors,

14:02  One hour after noon, there was nothing new on the market. There were several more up and down limit boards along the cycle. The back row of liquor rose and fell, but the front row popularity stocks were more liquid and safer.

13:33  Anxin Chen Guo: From the structural perspective, the current market presents a certain cyclical feature, and some theme investments and small and medium-sized stocks are quite active, but for institutional investors, the core is still the high boom track.
In the next stage, as the liquidity environment and risk preference factors still form favorable support on the whole, growth and diffusion may continue. Pay attention to the varieties of inflation supplement and the varieties of strong semi annual report.
You can refer to the views of Anson Chen Guo

13:04  The phosphorus chemical industry sector continued to rise in the afternoon, and the six countries' chemical industry, Yuntianhua and other stocks rose by limit.
Today is a pro cyclical world, and the chemical sector is also coming to join in the excitement. In view of the sustainability of the sector in the recent period, we should carefully follow the trend of growth and focus on watching plays.

11:25  The market is still dominated by rotation. Today's leading plate is the pro cyclical non-ferrous coal, and the rebound of liquor in the morning is also very bright.
This kind of buying point has been mentioned to everyone in yesterday's resumption. If the mainstream plate falls sharply, it will rebound immediately. Be careful to get hurt; If you continue to panic the next day after the crash, you can take it into consideration.
Today's liquor plate is just a formula. Liquor fell in a flurry at the opening, and the leading Hainan Yedao was very strong, which also gives the imagination space for the rebound of the plate.

10:39  Hong Kong steel stocks strengthened, and Chongqing steel soared.
Now Hong Kong shares follow the steps of A-shares, and liquidity is really a good thing.

10:36  The hot spots rotate too fast, changing every day. High end stocks have little profit making effect, and the main line is in adjustment.
Today, the leading sectors were replaced by pro cyclical coal and nonferrous metals. Coal had gone a bit of a way of dying before. Today, there was a small climax. It was neither flattering nor predicting. It would be better not to follow the trend.
Lower your desire and prefer to earn less rather than buy risk.

9:54  The opening chip rose a bit, liquor rebounded collectively, Hongmeng concept continued to perform well, and medicine performed moderately today.

9:26  Collective auction: The three A-share indexes opened at a low price. The Shanghai Index fell 0.09%, the Shenzhen Composite Index fell 0.13%, the GEM Index fell 0.17%, and the domestic aircraft carrier and Hongmeng concept opened actively.


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