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Live broadcast on June 8

(2021-06-08 09:12:35)
14:59  The index closed down collectively. Today's market is really difficult. First, new energy rose and fell, and then liquor came to a stop, The concept of Hongmeng all fell back in the afternoon, leaving a wave of wealth on paper.
The overall market atmosphere is very poor, and the loss effect is relatively obvious. In terms of operation, more attention should be paid to but less action should be taken, waiting for the signal of stabilization.
In terms of capacity, the trading volume of the two cities is still 900 billion+, which is not good or bad, but depends on the face of the market. If there is no earning effect, the trading capital runs faster than anyone else.
See you tonight for the specific re offering!

14:48  After brushing the limit board once, it was almost reserved by all kinds of wine. Is this the rhythm of Paty?
It is true that the relay can not keep up after the climax, and it will be a big night immediately, so it is not easy to catch up after the climax. If the plate is really taking the lead, the safest way to participate is at the time of the first adjustment at the beginning of the launch.

14:26  Hongmeng system is also rich on paper, and many are green in the afternoon.
The panel is just like this. There is not much to see. Watch more plays and control your hands.

14:06  Ningde era has become more popular, and the index has been slightly increased.
Message side: Apple negotiated with Ningde Times and BYD on the agreement to supply batteries for its electric vehicle project.

13:12  The liquor is on the ebb and flow. Yesterday was still yyds, but today it is only because of others' worship.
The short-term market sentiment is really bad. There was a limit decline in Yimei before, and now there is a limit decline in liquor.
Continue to watch the play carefully.

11:19  The index weakened, with the Shenzhen Composite Index down more than 1%, the Shanghai Index down 0.73%, the GEM down 0.44%, and liquor, salt lake lithium, oil and gas and other sectors leading the decline

10:57  The trend of new energy in the morning is estimated to have killed many people.
If the mainstream plate falls sharply, it will rebound immediately. Be careful; If you continue to panic the next day after the crash, you can take it into consideration.
Of course, it is necessary to distinguish between the sharp drop after the climax or the sharp drop after the rise. The second situation is worth going to blog, especially the decline caused by external conditions or indexes, rather than the problems of the industry itself.

10:51  The GEM rose in the morning in vain, and Xianzi'a fell back, mainly due to the rise and fall of the new energy vehicle plate, and the collective fall of the liquor plate, which made the market atmosphere a little tense.

10:33  Shanghai Communications Commission: consolidate and enhance the core position of Shanghai as an aviation hub, support the planning and construction of the new airport in Nantong, study the construction of virtual terminals of Shanghai Airport in Suzhou, Jiaxing and other places, and strengthen cooperation with other airports in the Yangtze River Delta region.

10:04  Half an hour after the opening, the Hongmeng concept won out after a fierce struggle.
On the contrary, liquor has gone rather poorly, becoming the foot plate of today, and the chip is also a trick.
The recent trend is indeed the fluctuation limit of the previous day, and there is no continuity the next day, so we choose the strong plate to attract low potential, which is safer.

9:45  In the morning, the chip knelt down directly, and the back row variety of liquor also came to a nuclear button directly, leaving only the strong variety in the front row.
The GEM index rose by more than 1%, mainly due to the collective counter contracting of new energy today.

9:27  The three A-share indexes were mixed at the opening, with the Shanghai index falling 0.02%, the Shenzhen index rising 0.04%, the GEM index falling 0.03%, and the Hongmeng concept and beer concept opening actively.

9:12  Sealing and testing is an important part of semiconductor supply side. The recurrence of the epidemic in Taiwan, Malaysia and other regions of China will further aggravate the tight supply of global chips after a major impact on the global semiconductor sealing and testing capacity.
To be honest, just look at the news. I don't feel that this kind of news has been common in the past half a year or more. But in combination with the current market, the trend of chips is still very strong, and the sustainability is OK, so you can take a high look.


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