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Live broadcast on May 12

(2021-05-12 09:22:59)
The index went through a surprising rebound in the afternoon. The GEM refers to the rebound of the pharmaceutical sector. Today, there is another wave of limit rise in the medical beauty sector. At present, medical beauty is still the most attractive direction for funds.
In terms of capacity, the trading volume of the two cities today is more than 700 million, which is nearly 100 billion less than that of yesterday. The typical shock trend of the stock market is that the capital also presents a seesaw effect. When medicine and beauty are improved, it will be directly linked in the cycle.
What about tomorrow? Whether medical beauty will continue to grow stronger is a mystery. This position is more of a game of high capital, which can only be seen step by step.
See you tonight for the specific re offering!

13:36  Media stocks have also come to join in the excitement, and Zhongguang Tianzi has quietly doubled the market.
This wave of media stocks is a typical theme speculation logic. Meeting a single stock will bring about a profit effect, and then drive the plate effect.

13:25  The three indexes in the panel are all green, and there is no joint force in the market today. They are all in their own battle, one shot to the east and one shot to the west.

Good afternoon, everyone. The opening of chips in the afternoon has brought a wave. The sustainability of science and technology is really not good for most of this year. Let's see the rebound first.

11:29  The index fluctuated in a narrow range in the early trading, and there was not much to see in the market. The Shanghai Index is currently at the bottom of the box. After the holiday, the market has been going pro cyclical for three consecutive days, so this position still depends on whether the pro cyclical repair market in the next few days can bring back the profit effect.
In terms of volume and capacity, the trading volume of the two cities has shrunk significantly today. Yesterday, the trading volume of the opening hour was 380 billion yuan, and today it is 320 billion yuan. There is no problem of volume reduction adjustment.

10:49  The net inflow of southbound funds exceeded 5 billion yuan, and today southbound funds are a little active.
No wonder the science and technology in Hong Kong stock market is more active today. It's because I went to Hong Kong stock market to wash dishes for people.

10:40  From the general perspective of the current market, China's economic inflation risk is low and the policy environment is still friendly.
Therefore, without systematic risk, the index will continue to be in a volatile pattern.

10:06  This concept of providing for the aged is also a belch in one day.
The A-share speculation has always been like this, and the data is interpreted as good cash, unless it is much more than expected, it will not play.

9:54  The GEM index has fallen again. It was emphasized yesterday that the rise of medicine and consumption in a group of white horses can only be regarded as a temporary rebound.

9:42  At the opening, nonferrous metals, coal, and steel began to counter contract, and the steel sector led the rally, which brought profits to those who were attracted low yesterday, and today's losses will not be large, so we can continue to observe on the whole.

9:29  Collective bidding: The three A-share indexes opened at a low price. The Shanghai Index fell 0.35%, the Shenzhen Composite Index fell 0.32%, and the GEM Index fell 0.28%. The pension concept and agricultural product processing sectors opened actively.

9:22  The central bank will conduct a 7-day reverse repo operation of 10 billion yuan in the open market today, with a bid winning interest rate of 2.20%.


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