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One thing we must pay attention to today's low price stocks in the late period of trading

(2018-11-13 16:17:59)
Classification: Comment

Today's opening of the index was dragged down by the sharp fall of the periphery last night and directly opened a percentage point lower, but instead of going lower, it chose to go higher. Today's A-share market was once again bullish. To be honest, the author expected that the index would not be too bad today, but he did not expect that it could be pulled up so violently today. Now, no matter how the index rises or falls, it often surprises people. Maybe this is the market, Once again, the future trend of the market is always unpredictable. The only thing we can do is to follow the actual market atmosphere. The market trend is always correct. What we need to know is to respect the market and comply with the market trend.

Today, the highlight of the market is still on venture capital and equity transfer. The main resource of equity transfer shell is to turn the tide under the leadership of Hengli Industry, the market benchmark leader. The venture capital sector is mainly stimulated by the science and technology innovation board. However, the late market of the venture capital sector is obviously loose, and many follow the trend stocks directly rise and fall after the afternoon climax, In fact, the low price shares of equity transfer also have a sense of climax, which is most obvious in the afternoon. No matter what the theme of capital, as long as the low price shares are crazy, In general, it is easy to have a climax G point at this time. The more time you are, the more calm you will be. Of course, in the short term, you are not optimistic about these two sectors. You may need to take a break in the short term, and then there may be repeated performance opportunities later. So if the low price stocks are still mindless in the morning, you must beware of rising and falling back. Too hot emotions often backfire, Heat kills.

Therefore, although low price stocks are hot cakes at present, we should not chase them up without thinking these days, especially those that rise in the following days. These follow the trend stocks are already in the back row. As long as the differentiation takes the lead in weakening, these follow the trend stocks are the ones. Of course, some follow the trend stocks that have not yet risen can be considered to lurk for a while and then go after the rise, In short, these two plates are not suitable for catching up with the higher ones in recent days, and they are suitable for low absorption under adjustment. Secondly, if these hot sectors are differentiated, you can properly pay attention to the next new sector. The second new sector has hardly risen in this wave. According to history, the second new shares can not fall in each market, so in the next two days, venture capital, shell resources and other low prices may also be differentiated to pull the second new sector.


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