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 Director of Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Director of Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention
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Tips for rabies prevention and control

(2016-09-22 10:40:38)

Recently, there have been several incidents of stray dogs biting many people in the city. During the Mid Autumn Festival holiday, more than 2000 people were injured by dogs in the city. As the National Day holiday is coming, people will visit relatives and friends and go out to play more, which will increase the chances of contact with strange dogs and being injured by dogs. The Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention reminds the general public:

    one It is recommended to stay away from stray dogs, not to have too close contact with cats, dogs and other pets, especially not to let pets lick people's mouth, eyes and other mucous membranes.

    two Rabies can be prevented and controlled. If you are bitten by a dog with unknown health status, you should not be fluky. You should go to the rabies immunization clinic designated by the Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission in time for professional treatment, thoroughly clean and disinfect the wound, vaccinate, and inject anti rabies immunoglobulin when necessary, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of rabies.

    three Rabies vaccination usually has two procedures, The first procedure is called 5-shot procedure for short: Day 0 (the day of the first dose of inoculation), Day 3, Day 7, Day 14, and Day 28 1 dose for each inoculation; The second program is called 4-pin program for short: 2 doses on day 0, 7 and 21 1 dose for each inoculation Both of these procedures are effective procedures recognized by the World Health Organization. For the severely injured, anti rabies serum or rabies immunoglobulin shall be injected at the same time as vaccination. When being bitten by wild dogs or injured dogs have shown abnormal behavior, they should take the initiative to explain the situation to the doctor. At present, there are 115 rabies immunization clinics in the city. The list, address and telephone number of the clinics can be queried by logging on the Beijing Health Information Network, the website of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, or calling the 12320 Beijing Public Health Hotline.

    four We also call on the majority of dog owners to raise dogs in a civilized manner, vaccinate their dogs regularly, and not abandon them at will to avoid the occurrence of stray dogs hurting others.


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