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 Qiaoben Longze
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Japanese Hostages Killed, Behind the Rampant Terrorism (I)

(2015-01-26 08:09:25)

Look at Japan from Hashimoto

Hostage crisis

Classification: A point of view
Japanese Hostages Killed, Behind the Rampant Terrorism (I)

Prime Minister Abe and the rescue of hostages


    After the suspected Islamic State released the photos and videos of the decapitation of Yoshichi Yukawa, Prime Minister Abe took the following actions on January 25 according to the announcement by the Japanese Prime Minister's Office:

At 1:27 a.m., I was interviewed by various media

At 1:45, at the Prime Minister's residence

At 8:37, the Japanese broadcasting company Chiyoda relaxed to see off the guild hall

At 9:00, attend the report program

At 9:39, the Prime Minister's residence

At 11:33, the meeting was held with Foreign Minister Takeo Kishida, the Deputy Foreign Affairs Officer of Zhaolong Saiki, and the Director General of the Department of Middle East and Africa of Uemura

Afternoon: 1:5, Saudi Embassy in Roppongi, Tokyo

At 1:7, we paid tribute to the late King Abdullah

At 1:9, interviewed by various media

At 1:19, the Prime Minister's residence

At 3:20, we talked with President Obama on the phone (20 minutes)

(Kan Yiwei, Chief Cabinet Secretary, Kato Shin, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary, Shimeng Hongcheng, and Tanuchi Zhengtaro, Director of National Security)   Japanese Hostages Killed, Behind the Rampant Terrorism (I)                                     Prime Minister Abe interviewed by the media after the hostage was killed

    Why do I bother to write about Prime Minister Abe's one-day work on January 25? The reason is that after the extremist organizations of the Islamic State threatened to behead Tomokawa Yaocai and Goto Kenji and asked the Japanese government to pay a ransom of 200 million dollars, the author always felt that the Japanese government, as the Japanese government, had no sense of urgency in responding to this accident. Although the Japanese media disclosed the contents of the Japanese government's contact with various relevant countries, they always felt that there was something wrong.

After the hostage was kidnapped, the first thing to do is to make the other party stop harming the hostage as much as possible. However, Prime Minister Abe repeatedly said a sentence in his phone calls with British Prime Minister Cameron, Australian Prime Minister Albert, and US President Obama this afternoon:“ Japan will not yield to terrorism, but will contribute to the international community's counter-terrorism efforts ”。 There is nothing wrong with anti-terrorism, but the top priority is to save the hostages and not stimulate the opponents. This kind of repeated propaganda of phone content is not to push the hostages to death? Japanese Hostages Killed, Behind the Rampant Terrorism (I)

                                                Free reporter Kenji Goto
    At the same time, in the search for channels in the negotiation with terrorists, the Japanese media revealed that there was no progress. According to public information, Japan once asked the three Middle East countries for help in mediation, including Iran, Turkey and Jordan. In Jordan in particular, Prime Minister Abe held talks with the King of Jordan when he visited the Middle East this month. After the hostage incident, he specially left the Deputy Foreign Minister of Zhongshan to take command of Jordan, hoping that Jordan could help Japan negotiate with terrorists. However, Prime Minister Abe seems to have forgotten that the Jordanian air force also has a place in the flying force led by the United States bombing the Islamic State, and the prince of Jordan personally participated in the bombing. Later, another F-16 fighter plane in Jordan was shot down by the Islamic State, and the pilot was captured, but has not yet been released. Jordan once hinted that it was rejected to exchange the terrorist prisoners in prison for the captured pilots. So is this Jordan Japan credible?

    In the video of killing Kenji Tomokawa, a man asked the Jordanian government to exchange female prisoners sentenced to death in prison for Kenji Goto. The Japanese government immediately asked the Jordanian government to decide as the case may be. But don't forget that Jordanian pilots are still in the hands of terrorists, and Jordanians will agree on the matter of exchanging women prisoners in prison for Japanese hostages when their own soldiers are not released? Japanese Hostages Killed, Behind the Rampant Terrorism (I)

                                              Jordanian female terrorists demanded by the Islamic State for release
    On Friday, the author said one thing in his WeChat conversation with his friend Dafeng: Prime Minister Abe's greatest achievement in 2013 was the establishment of the Japanese National Security Conference to deal with threats from all sides. But in the Japanese diplomatic crisis, the NSC National Security Conference was not held, and it was not held before the minimum deadline set by the Islamic State. Why? Is the meeting a decoration? No, in the Diaoyu Islands, as well as various emergencies, this meeting was held quickly, so why didn't it be held this time? It's very strange.

    Why does the Japanese government ostensibly want to rescue, but actually have no substantive progress and action? There are two possibilities:

1) There is uncertain news in Japan. Although Kenji Goto is a free media person, he is responsible for the mission of the Japanese government to rescue Tomagawa in Syria this time. After he went to Syria, he was sold by the third export to the radical organization of the Islamic State. At that time, the media who asked Goto to go to Syria immediately reported to the Japanese government. However, it was Abe's cabinet that decided to elect the general election, so the relevant government departments decided to hide the information, and Goto also had information related to the Japanese government, It will be a major blow to the Abe regime.

2) The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs had tried to rescue Tomagawa at that time, but the rescue failed, so that the dead horse could work as a live horse doctor, and Japanese free journalists were required to go to dangerous areas as intermediaries.

    Before the election last year, the Abe regime had learned that Islamic extremist organizations had kidnapped hostages and asked for a ransom of 10 million dollars. However, Prime Minister Abe's diplomacy had come to a dead end at that time. The investigation of North Korean kidnapped hostages was inconclusive. At first, he said that hundreds of people and hundreds of kidnappers would return to Japan, but none of them returned. At the same time, the problem of consumption tax made Abe's regime waver, so the Japanese government finally gave up the best opportunity to rescue Yukawa and Goto.

    On January 25, when the Islamic terrorists killed the hostages, the emotions of Japanese people were also aroused to the top. Prime Minister Abe's action today is not painful. This is not only a lack of effort, but also a bigger strategy behind it. What strategy is it? It is to make use of the external crisis to make Japan a successful country.

See Japanese Hostage Crisis and Complete National Strategy


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