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 Bi Huanzhou
Bi Huanzhou
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Case 2: Chronic bacterial prostatitis

(2013-11-05 22:31:28)


Classification: sex health
  ***, male, 22 years old, from Dalian, Liaoning.
Description: Persistent testicular pain
Laboratory and examination results: WBC full field, PC full field, visible clusters, RBC 1-3/HP beneficial bacteria++
Treatment and effect: erythromycin, ineffective!
What kind of help do you want? I hope the professor can give you treatment.
Professor Bi Huanzhou:
The pathogenesis of prostatitis is complex. In addition to bacterial infection, there are other reasons. It should be treated comprehensively. If antibiotics are used, it is necessary to conduct bacterial culture of prostatic fluid (preferably with three-stage urinary bacterial culture), find out the infection bacteria, identify sensitive drugs, and select sensitive antibiotics for treatment. Prostatitis has a long course of treatment. Antibiotics should not be used for a long time. It can be treated with Chinese medicine in the later stage. The effect of integrated traditional and western medicine is very good. Because you are still young, you should not apply physics (electromagnetic wave: mostly microwave and short wave) treatment, because electromagnetic wave often affects male fertility.
The treatment plan should be formulated according to the specific condition. If it is convenient, you can come to me.
I wish you good health and good luck!
Bi Huanzhou


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