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Wandering women don't wash their faces

(2016-01-15 01:08:33)

Miscellaneous talk

Natural beauty can only envy, envy and not hate. In addition to genetic factors, what can be done is the most important thing is "what you eat is what you eat". The solid and beautiful food shines from the inside out, which can not be painted by bottles and jars on the dresser.

Of course, bottles and jars are not useless. If they echo inside and outside, and work together, they can enjoy food, leisure, and money, they must be more beautiful. Eating well is brocade, and skin care products are flowers on brocade. Without brocade, there is no place to keep flowers. Therefore, both hands should be firm.

I not only study how to eat healthily, but also develop some edible skin care products. It's a mountain stone. I hope it can attack jade. I want to share my experience. If it works for me, it should work better for you who are younger and more beautiful.


Know yourself, choose the right one instead of the expensive one

Thousands of people have different skin. Dry, oily, neutral and mixed, thick, thin, black, white and red blood, sensitive, skin and skin, and seasonal changes should be taken into account. Take some time to find out your skin temperament, which is the first move.

You may not want to believe that the raw material cost and R&D cost of international top cosmetics will not exceed 100 yuan. Brand marketing costs are sky high, which is the biggest part of the cost. Expensive can buy a good psychological feeling. Expensive can give you the desired sense of identity and sense of class belonging. The psychological correlation between expensive and skin care effect is greater than the effect correlation.

However, as long as there is a species of women in the world, it is natural for skin care products to make huge profits at one cost.

The expensive may not be the right one, the free one may also be the right one, and the right one is the best one. More attention will be paid to the expensive than the inexpensive ones in all aspects, and the safety of big brands will be more guaranteed, because when they operate in full view of the public, at least they dare not add estrogen heavy metals randomly. Of course, even though the quality is better, it is certainly not worth the price.

However, those unknown pure handmade products should be cautious even if they advocate organic and natural, beautiful and sharp tools, and counter growth.

For the sake of safety, your first tier brand is more reliable besides expensive.

Apart from being expensive, I can't think of any other bad skin care products of big brands. They are just as good as no painting or wiping.


The skin will be better if the sun protection is done well

It is better to do sunscreen than spend money on intensive whitening. If you search Baidu, you can see that many people are worried about "light sensitive food" that will darken people's skin. The so-called photosensitive food containing furacoumarin that can absorb ultraviolet rays, clinical observation shows that it does not directly darken people, and blackening is only a side effect of photosensitive dermatitis. The probability of skin darkening caused by photosensitive dermatitis is about 30%, and topical drugs for treating dermatitis may also darken the skin.

Usually it turns black only because of ultraviolet light. That is to say, if there is no strong sunlight, the skin that is "sensitive" because of taking photosensitive food will not be affected. On the contrary, under strong sunlight, whether you eat or not eat photosensitive food, the skin will become dark.

Therefore, sunscreen is more important than what you eat or don't eat in terms of preventing skin from sunburn.

If the metabolism of the body is normal and the body is not sensitive, celery, amaranth, shepherd's purse, marmalade head, purple cabbage, mud snail, lemon, carrot and orange can be eaten with confidence. Skin contact is more sensitive than eating. Citrus essential oil, lemon juice and aloe juice can be directly wiped and exposed to the sun, which will increase the risk of photosensitive dermatitis.

Ultraviolet radiation will not only make the skin suntan, but also make the skin aging. The best way to prevent sunburn is not to bask in the sun. Beautiful skin always turns its back to the sun. Xiao Longnv lives in a tomb. As for calcium supplementation in the sun, vitamin D production is not much, and the advantages and disadvantages are balanced. It is better not to sun.

Don't wash your face too hard. Don't do too much

The frequency and intensity of facial washing are both artistic, so do not mechanically copy them. In any case, you should take care of exfoliation. It is not good for the skin to wash too clean. All oil is removed, which is easy to cause secondary problems.

If the skin is thin and dry without makeup, clean your face with clean water before going to bed, and do not wash the housemaid. It is a good habit to dip the cotton wool in warm boiled water and wash it slowly - this means that people who do not need facial cleanser must thoroughly clean after using facial cleanser, and scrub facial cleanser cannot be seen every day, but once a week is enough.


The process of human aging is the process of continuous loss of water

Water is the main barrier between skin like coagulated fat and skin like dried orange peel. Some people say that you can't drink water before going to bed. Drinking water will swell your eyes. This is nonsense. If the cardiovascular system and urinary system are healthy, drinking water before sleep can ensure that the skin has enough water at night.

For people who get up at night and don't affect their sleep, it's OK to drink more water. I didn't rush to urinate when I got up early in the morning, and my skin was short of water.

Skin aging is irreversible, half persistent, half daily

Skin care products are like giving an old leather coat a special leather coat oil. It looks as if it is new, but only looks. There is always a discerning eye that can see the traces of years that cannot be blocked by leather coat oil.

Skin care products help us overcome this fear psychologically. Calm down, calm down. Every day's daubing is a kind of care for yourself. Just buckle the flowers, don't cut your hands. You should spend 500 yuan on skin care products, and more importantly, 5000 yuan on fresh vegetables and fruits. One jin of fruit and one jin of vegetables a day.


Love is a good skin care product. The greatest beauty lies in that it makes you dare not give up yourself and unwilling to grow old on the spot. People are alive. Even if they are stretched, they will have a good face.

Let your skin wander occasionally

The woman who is the most difficult to get old can still have beautiful dreams, immortal passion, and a soul longing for wandering in the quiet and stable world.

The skin with youthful luster needs to occasionally seek the discomfort and uncertainty of vagrancy and experience new and complex situations. Of course, this kind of "discomfort" is limited and controllable - that is, the optimal discomfort, rather than suffering suffering, food and clothing, and sleeping on the street. Read some romantic novels, share sorrow and happiness with the characters in the books, and also get rid of the addiction of wandering the mind.


As for skin care products, apply them in the morning and at night, with three layers inside and three layers outside. I'm not tired and my skin is still stuffy. It is good to starve skin properly, and it can also satisfy the desire of not being allowed to bask in the sun and occasionally wandering.

Take out a week, do not wash your face, or just use a cotton ball dipped in warm water to gently wash your face. Except for wearing sunscreen when you go out, stop using everything else. If you have the courage to wander, try it.



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