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Real shot: Go to Chaoyang, Liaoning, and see the birds and flowers 150 million years ago

(2015-03-06 08:46:51)



Fossils of Chaoyang Bird in Liaoning Province

Collecting folk songs from different places

Cao Zuolan's artistic walk


Travel, to the less famous second and third level areas may be more fruitful.
Today, I would like to share with you Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province. It is the fossil capital of the world and the place where the first bird on the earth flew The place where the first flower blooms on earth.
On the land of more than 20000 square kilometers under the jurisdiction of Chaoyang City, abundant paleontological fossils have been found in more than 10000 square kilometers.
These numerous remains of ancient creatures are unique in the world because of their rich quantity, exquisite preservation and great research value. They not only faithfully recorded a very important stage in the evolution history of life on the earth, but also told people about the changes between 150 million and 100 million years ago.

The Chaoyang Bird Fossil National Geopark is very grand and modern. Its gate is like a big bird with vibrating wings. This is the ticket hall.
Stone carvings of the world's fossil capital.

The source of flowers and birds.

The place where the first bird on earth flew.
The place where the first bird on earth flew.

The research value of Sinosauropteryx.

The biological evolution map in the exhibition hall allows the audience to wander in 150 million years of time and space.

Animal fossil specimens with clearly visible bones and muscles.
Develop live pictures.
There is an experience hall of earthquake and volcanic eruption, which is very exciting and strictly restricts the participation of hypertensive heart patients.

Silicified wood exhibits.
What a beautiful silicified wood.
This is tree like jade.

How beautiful! It matches the quality of jade.

Most of them are fossils.

The forms of ancient animals are clearly visible.
The number of fish fossils is the largest. In the folk antique market, you can buy a pair of fish fossils for tens of yuan.
Of course, everything in the exhibition hall is the best.
Most of these fossils were formed at the moment of volcanic eruption.
This is the first flower on earth.
The earliest plant on the earth.

There are many dinosaur specimens here, and you can also see many dinosaurs embedded in the stratum that have not been excavated.
This is the outdoor silicified wood forest.
The scene is grand and the number is considerable.
Especially when the sun sets, the silicified wood bathes in the golden glow, which is very beautiful.
The distance and height are different.
Moving step by step is a new picture.
I really feel the magic of nature.

This is the excavation site of paleontological fossils. Like the excavation site of Xi'an Terracotta Warriors, the entire site is covered with fiberglass.
The section of geological structure can be seen at a glance.

Leave a shadow next to the ancient stone carving.

The ticket of Chaoyang Bird Fossil National Geopark is 100 yuan. Half price for people over 60, free for people over 70.
The park is very large and divided into indoor and outdoor areas. If you watch it carefully, it will take a whole day.

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