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 Xu Jinxi Clinical Nutritionist
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"Rest" after a long holiday

(2013-10-09 23:01:33)

eighty-seven point six





Classification: Nutrition and health

                    "Rest" after a long holiday




          After the National Day holiday, many young friends could not immediately devote themselves to their work with full enthusiasm. They were physically ill and mentally depressed. Festivals are characterized by "stomach discomfort, fatigue, bad breath, increased constipation, reversed morning and evening, and zero exercise".

        1. The reasons are as follows:

      (1) All food can't move (house).

        The characteristics are as follows: big fish, big meat, and the whole family enjoy each other. During the dinner, people will drink wine and drink wine. In 7 days, they will eat only and not exercise. The burden of gastrointestinal tract will be obvious after the festival.

      (2) Eat as you go (swim).

        Features: sightseeing snacks, processed food supplements, non-stop mouth, food safety is difficult to avoid.

      (3) Non selective type (miscellaneous).

          Features: Fried, smoked and fried are all delicacies, which are not taboo during holidays. Crab fat cream is yellow, and fried kebabs are more arrogant.

        2. There are regulations for post holiday recuperation

      (1) Subtract "more" and supplement "less"

        During the festival, we eat more protein, fat, salt and sugar. We should say goodbye to these excessive foods within a week after the festival. Give the tired liver and kidney a buffer rest time.

      During the long holiday, people eat less vegetables and fruits, coarse grains, and constipation occurs or is seriously related to it; Due to the excessive intake of high energy food, the mineral potassium, magnesium and calcium in the body are lost to varying degrees and are insufficient. In view of this, seasonal vegetables and fruits, melons, eggplants and potatoes should be supplemented after the festival to improve the "hypoxia" of the body.

      (2) Three Meals Guide

            Regular time for three meals

        Breakfast is light and less greasy

        There must be less salt, less oil and less red meat for lunch. There must be coarse grains and potatoes

        Have some cereal porridge for dinner, with vegetables

      (3) Resume movement

        A large amount of energy intake will inevitably lead to energy hoarding. In addition to the heavy burden on the stomach and intestines, the weight will also increase sharply. The shortest way to change such a bad situation is to exercise. The balance between eating and moving is the basis for maintaining a healthy weight.

      Strength training strengthens the heart and lungs, aerobic exercise consumes fat, flexible stretching does not hurt, and three kinds of sports help you!

    (4) Adjust work and rest

            The reverse of black and white means that you have to clock in on time, turn off electronic products, and go to bed before 23:00 at night to have the spirit of the next day.          

          There are many holidays in a year. There are ways to adjust after the holiday, but moderation during the holiday is more important. Enjoy the good time of the holiday, enjoy the happiness of family, lovers and friends together, pay attention to health, care for yourself, and stay away from "holiday sickness".


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