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 Ma Guansheng _ Immediate Nutrition
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Dr. Ma talks about nutrition: health is beautiful

(2014-03-06 13:05:19)

Women's Day





Classification: Dr. Ma on nutrition series

      Everyone has a love for beauty. The pursuit of "beauty" is the goal of girls. Beauty is both natural beauty and acquired beauty. Beauty has different forms in different times, the tender beauty of Gulin's sister style, the rich beauty of Yang Yuhuan's style, the bone beauty of Zhao Feiyan's style, Today, there is the beauty of the curve of the repair. All this beauty is external, and beauty should be healthy.

Nutrition is the foundation of health and the source of beauty. This Saturday is the girls' festival. For this reason, the following bodybuilding suggestions are proposed.


  one Eating: vegetables and fruits every day, snacks are added, breakfast is guaranteed, and three meals are not disordered.

  • Vegetables and fruits contain much water, low energy and rich vitamins and minerals. Eating vegetables and fruits every day can not only control excessive energy intake, but also promote beauty.
  • The nutrition of snacks is far less comprehensive than that of meals. Therefore, you should try to eat less snacks, not to mention snacks instead of meals. Eat less snacks when watching Korean dramas. "Beer+fried chicken" is bad for your health. Don't follow it blindly.
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Not eating breakfast will affect the work efficiency in the morning, and it is also harmful to health. You can't control your weight without breakfast. Three meals a day is the source of beauty.


  two , Drinking: White water is always accompanied, milk is kept, drinks are kept away, and alcohol is not available.

  • Women are made of water. Drinking enough water every day is the basic condition to maintain women's health. Only when there is enough water can you shine.
  • Milk is nutritious and rich in calcium, which is good for bone health. A cup of milk every day is the secret to maintain beauty and health. For fear of being overweight, you can choose skim milk.
  • Drinks, especially sugary drinks, contain a lot of energy and have low nutritional value. It is best to stay away from them.
  • Excessive drinking is harmful to women's health, especially in social occasions. Therefore, for a healthy and beautiful appearance, stay away from alcohol.


  three Move: leave the keyboard, bathe in the sun, and often walk for a while.

  • Electronic equipment fills our lives. Our hands are inseparable from computer keyboards, mobile phone keyboards, and iPad keyboards every day. In the long run, it will not only damage vision, joints, cervical vertebrae, etc., but also can not consume energy and cause fat accumulation. You should leave the keyboard and exercise moderately.
  • Women in China regard white as their beauty, and they are generally afraid of tanning. The sun that finally passes through the haze is also blocked by umbrellas and hats. This often covers, blocks, and does not bathe in the sun, which can easily cause vitamin D deficiency and affect bone health. Therefore, it is necessary to bathe in the sun regularly and supplement vitamin D in an appropriate amount to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • In order to pursue the effect of weight loss, many girls are free to moderate their diet, supplemented by various weight loss drugs. Although they have lost weight in shape, they have also collapsed inside their bodies, which is not worth the loss. Weight control needs to start from eating and moving. Moving is healthy!


  four . Feel comfortable, sleep well, and look beautiful.

  • Keeping a good attitude can not only improve the body's immunity, but also promote metabolism in the body, maintain normal hormone levels in the body, and reduce the occurrence of various diseases.
  • Often staying up late and staying up late will lead to insufficient sleep, dark circles under the eyes, mental weakness, insomnia, and harm to health.


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