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 Ma Guansheng _ Immediate Nutrition
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Dr. Ma Talks about Nutrition Part Four Three: Jiujiu Chongyang Pays Attention to Elderly Nutrition

(2013-10-10 08:33:12)

Double Ninth Festival

Dietary nutrition



Classification: Dr. Ma on nutrition series

Next Sunday is the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, the Double Ninth Festival. Double Ninth Festival has two thousand Years of history three countries There are records about the "Double Ninth Festival" in the era; Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the Double Ninth Festival has had the custom of appreciating chrysanthemums and drinking alcohol. The Double Ninth Festival was officially designated as a festival in the Tang Dynasty, and a variety of celebrations were held, including climbing high to enjoy the scenery and flowers, eating Double Ninth Cake, drinking chrysanthemum wine, etc. These customs have arrived the Ming dynasty the Qing dynasty It still continues.

twenty century eighty Since the s, in order to advocate respecting, respecting, loving and helping the elderly, some places in China have designated the ninth day of September as the "Old People's Day". one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine In, the Chinese government designated the ninth day of September in the lunar calendar as the "Old Man's Day" two thousand and twelve year twelve month twenty-eight On September th, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress passed the newly revised Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly, which clearly stipulates that the ninth day of September in the lunar calendar is the "Elderly Day", fully reflecting the concern of the state and the government for the elderly. Dietary nutrition is the foundation of health. At the coming of the Double Ninth Festival, we will talk about the dietary nutrition that the elderly should pay attention to.

one The food is diversified and matched in thickness.

The function of the digestive system of the elderly has declined, the chewing ability has weakened, the secretion of digestive juice and gastrointestinal peristalsis have decreased, and constipation is prone to occur. Some elderly people are at increased risk of hypertension, dyslipidemia, heart disease, diabetes and other diseases. Therefore, the diet of the elderly should follow the principle of "balanced nutrition, health promotion and disease prevention". The choice of food should be diverse, thick and thin, soft and easy to digest and absorb. Coarse grains are rich in B Vitamin B, dietary fiber, potassium, calcium, phytochemicals, etc. Regular eating of coarse grains, vegetables and fruits can ensure the intake of dietary fiber, prevent constipation and prevent diseases.

two Reasonably arrange and have a happy meal.

Family and society should ensure the elderly's eating quality, eating environment and eating mood from all aspects. It is not only necessary to get various kinds of food and ensure adequate intake of various nutrients, but also to create a relaxed and happy dining environment. The elderly can maintain a healthy eating attitude and a happy dining process to promote their physical and mental health and improve their quality of life.

three , Prevention of malnutrition and anemia

Changes in physical, psychological and socio-economic conditions, such as tooth loss, oral problems and poor mood, will lead to loss of appetite and food consumption, and the elderly are prone to malnutrition or anemia and other nutritional deficiencies or deficiencies. When malnutrition occurs, the disease resistance of the body declines. Therefore, the elderly should pay attention to the prevention of malnutrition and anemia. The older people are not the thinner the healthier, they should maintain a healthy weight. Often eat food rich in iron, such as liver, blood tofu, etc.

four Exercise regularly to prevent sports injury.

The overweight or obese elderly have an increased risk of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and other diseases. They should properly do more outdoor activities and receive sunlight, which is conducive to vitamins in the body D Synthesize, prevent or delay the occurrence of osteoporosis. When performing activities, you should act according to your ability, protect joints and prevent sports injuries.


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