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 Fangfei Piglet
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Justice may be late, but it will not be absent!

(2016-12-29 13:43:56)

Miscellaneous talk

writing /Fangfei Piglet

There is an old Chinese saying that "It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge", and there is another saying, "It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge". From these slang words, it is easy to see that everything in the world has a cause and effect. If you plant a cause, it is doomed. It is said that people will pay back when they come out. In fact, many people understand this truth. Just like after the unjust case is settled, the news media will always make a headline: Justice may be late, but it will not be absent.


But even if this sentence is adjusted for a moment, the emphasis will be different, and the meaning will be completely different: justice will not be absent, but may be late ... Is the late trial just or not? The movie "The Predator" actually takes us into a world where black and white are not clear.


At the beginning of "The Predator", it is a tense robbery scene. The well-trained robbers are accurate in every step. They act like wind sweeping clouds, without a trace of sloppiness "Professionals" are not only professional, but also ruthless. They can still torture and kill bank managers who have been tied down. However, such behavior and practice obviously have a clear gap with those robbers who really seek wealth. Why kill people to gain wealth?


When this happens, it is obviously not just robbery! The arrogant robber obviously has an ulterior purpose. When Bruce Willis, the senior manager of the bank, appeared, we immediately understood that this was definitely a targeted robbery, and the person who did this could only have one purpose, that is, revenge!


Because many people know that there is no perfect crime in the world. The more complicated the design is, the more clues will be left. Moreover, the robbers in "The Raider" make it clear that they also take the initiative to leave clues, obviously to lead the event in the direction they expect. In addition, several forces are working hard to solve the case, and various clues overlap, making the plot and the cause of robbery more complicated and confusing. It can't help but step into the plot.


Especially the so-called When the "suspect" turned out to be a damned person, it seemed that everyone understood that the two robberies were related to an assassination many years ago. Now, those who are suspicious of this crime seem to have something to do with the events of that year. The Marauder has actually become clear since it arrived here, but the director has set some reverses to test the audience's IQ. I have to say that the Marauder is definitely the biggest police bandit themed blockbuster this year.


Those who have achieved great things can be killed! Once the conspiracy surfaced, everyone let us see the two sides of the body. In this respect, "The Predator" is like "Detective Conan". The real criminal is always the person who is the least like a criminal. When you think he is just a beginner, you have been deceived by him. However, we guessed the originator behind all the events in "The Predator" from the beginning.


Therefore, there are both logical parts and unexpected turns in this film, which is absolutely a big test for the audience's brain. At least Sister Zhu can only sort out a general idea after watching it once, and the starting and ending turns and some foreshadowings can't be seen completely. I have to admire the brain circuit of the screenwriter here!


Of course, the final outcome of "The Predator" is still that everyone gets what he deserves. Those who plunder others' money and lives have paid their own price. It's a pity that justice has come, but it's too late. Many people have already given their lives, and these avengers have also become bloody executioners like the objects of their revenge ——You said black is not black, you said white is what white? Justice will not be absent, but the cost of being late is already great. The tight rhythm and wonderful shooting scenes are the highlights of this film, and the brain burning plot also adds to the film. If you are tired of watching the frolic of several domestic blockbusters, the complicated plot, but extremely calm "The Predator" seems to be a good choice to pass the time!



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