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A myth is a spray, and a myth is also a monument

(2015-12-30 10:47:24)


Small door god

Divine tea

Yu Lei

Jack Ma

Classification: Entertainment review
writing / Fangfei Piglet

  A myth is a spray, and a myth is also a monument  

This is an era of entrepreneurship and innovation, and many traditional things are being abandoned. There are fewer people writing letters, and more people forget to write; There are fewer sewing clothes and mending socks, and more worn ones are thrown away; Less people knit sweaters and tweet, and more people play games and post microblogs; There are fewer steamed buns made with steamed noodles for the Spring Festival, and more black hearted steamed buns, zombie meat buns; Even though they still buy Spring Festival couplets and paste the word "Fu", how many people know how to paste New Year pictures? In the end, many customs are gone, leaving only eating and drinking. However, there are fewer and fewer intimate friends and more and more friends who drink and drink... Isn't it strange that such a society is like this?


No one will hang New Year pictures, and naturally no one knows who the people on the New Year pictures are. What's more, there have been many door gods since ancient times, including Guan Gong, Qin Qiong, Zhong Kui... It seems that many people have also been on New Year pictures and served as door gods. This movie tells the story of two small door gods, Shencha and Yulei, recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas!


In fact, no matter what is recorded in ancient books or myths and legends, door gods are not high status gods. Because they are tiny gods, they face the problem that everyone may face in the era of continuous innovation - being eliminated. While the gods in the sky are facing the dilemma of laid-off and re employment, the traditional handicraft wonton restaurant in the small town on the ground is also facing the fate of being replaced by modern fast food. The heroine, the little girl and her mother, are on the verge of being eliminated just like Shenta and Yulei. The owners of fast food restaurants covetously want to annex their small stores, and even try to "keep" the little girl's mother.


Shenta and Yulei also had a bad time in the Tiangong Employment Training Center. In addition to the dismissal of his good friend from the priesthood, Yu Lei decided to take the plunge and release the imprisoned legendary monster Nian, so that the world can continue to believe in their gods! Thus, a great adventure in the world of gods and gods began.


And The Return of the Great Sage IP There is no limit to making up entertainment until death. "Little Door God" is a cartoon with great connotation and cultivation. It mainly talks about sticking to the tradition in the changing society, and it can only be a dead end if we don't think about flexibility. But if we completely abandon it, we can only destroy our future. Because the old tradition is not only about handwork and craftsmanship, the most important thing is to connect hands with heart, which reflects the soul. Just like the meaningful handwriting of a letter, it is always more affectionate than typing and sending WeChat messages. If we completely deny the tradition, we will lose our conscience just like the owners of fast food restaurants.


In the film, the heavenly palace is like an officialdom - Yeyoushen's bureaucracy, Yeyoushen's subordinates accept bribes and practice fraud, and the spirit giant is doing official work but doing nothing, and playing brotherhood. And Huashen has even started an office romance with Yu Lei, and more importantly, he advocates money worship. He would rather cry in a BMW than smile in the back seat of a bicycle. As for the story of the world, the health inspectors are indiscriminate, and the operation of fast food restaurants is a blatant satire of food health problems. So although the film is under the banner of "door god", a myth and legend, it criticizes the current problems and stabs many social pain points.


In fact, the so-called tradition and myth are just like the song of the Gods' List: a myth is like a spray, and a myth is a monument. They will disappear easily, but they can be deeply rooted. If you think too much of the past, you will become complacent, but if you forget the past, you will become a complete betrayal. Therefore, both tradition and innovation are indispensable and inseparable. The wonton restaurant of the little hero's family can rise from the dead by adhering to tradition and adding a little innovation. Even a small door god has a long and tortuous story and has made great contributions, just like those old legends, which are worth remembering.
 A myth is a spray, and a myth is also a monument   Sister Pig~~


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