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Miscellaneous talk


Councillor He, this child       2008-02-28 18:34:55
Small and medium-sized
Label: Editor's Notes Culture
      I have long wanted to write about Councillor He, because this child is the most intelligent and interesting person I have ever met.

      Today, he read my blog and complained bitterly that I didn't list him out for individual thanks. Instead, he and many people used the words "author friends", just like many people crowded into a small house. Share the lease! It's pathetic.

      At the thought of the sad situation of his plump figure squeezed in a sardine can, my eyes immediately moistened, so I promised to write a separate article to thank him. Alas, who makes me so kind and loyal. Although there are so many manuscripts on the desk, the publication process is so urgent, and I need to sleep urgently, although... the most important thing when wandering in the Jianghu is the word "righteousness". I have to go out of my way, make a quick decision, and start writing immediately.

      Speaking of Councillor He, let me describe him a little, and you will understand. Have you seen Tony Leung's version of "Two Proud Men"? Have you seen the 83 version of Sculpture Shooting? Well, please use your imagination, Jiangxiaoyu+Laowutong=lifelike like a person jumping about in life.

      Well, please don't make a mistake. Don't mistake him for being as powerful as Liang Chaowei. I mean the appearance of an old urchin, the soul of a small fish, and their common bad character.

      When I introduced him like this, I was worried because Councillor He is a man who is always jealous. I destroyed his good image in the eyes of many fans and worried that he would retaliate against me. His whole mischief is a series of tricks. It's scary to say that the top ten torture in the Qing Dynasty is not as cruel as his method. Once I was moved by the sincerity of an HC's little sister, who revealed the MSN of any other member, and the consequences were...... (Delete some words here to avoid the imitation of terrorist organizations led by Osama bin Laden, which will lead to chaos in the world.)

      But the poor little sister, who had talked with Councillor He for less than ten minutes, was scared away and cried to me, saying, "Why is a person so cute when he writes, but a person is so hateful?"

      Therefore, what I wrote next is absolutely against my conscience. I have to be tough and brazen, conceal evil and promote good, and try my best to praise him. However, I believe that mature audiences will be rational. There will always be a distance between ideal and reality, and the truth will always be different from the appearance. Chinese style blockbusters are always less wonderful than the premiere. Advertisements look beautiful, but the product quality is often heartbreaking, depressed and crazy.

      Well, Councillor He is extremely smart (note: this does not mean appearance), and he is smart enough to make people feel pressured. It takes courage to make friends with him; It absolutely requires wisdom to invite him to write. (Ha ha, a little proud.)

      Indeed, I have seen smart people, but I have never seen anyone as smart as him. In fact, all the writers I know are extremely intelligent, except that others' intelligence is warm, reserved, implicit, tolerant, and kind, while Mr. He's intelligence is fiery, radiating, sharp, radiant, and overwhelming... This shows that he is quick in thinking and quick in reaction, fighting and bickering with others, It will never lose; It is absolutely qualified to publish textbooks if you play tricks and seek revenge. Sometimes I really doubt whether he is from Mars. Why does he have a different brain from the people on earth.

      Since I met Mr. He, I have been thinking about whether to blacklist him for at least 7 hours every day. It is impossible to ask him every time without shedding a layer of skin. Threatening, luring, deceiving, deceiving, deceiving, lying, asking exorbitant prices, paying the money on the spot, crying and playing roughshod...... He used all his skills, but when he saw that he was fighting, the soldiers came to block, and the water came to the soil, he was not fooled. Often when I was angry, angry, jumping up and down, about to collapse, and planned to drag him to the blacklist, he found his conscience at this moment and agreed at once. Well, for the sake of the manuscript, I'll swallow my pride and refuse to argue with him.

      However, the kid is naughty, but he keeps his promise very well. He will promise if he promises, and will not promise if he does not promise. However, he refused to hand in the manuscript without hesitation. He always began to write slowly on the day I agreed to the deadline for the submission of the manuscript. Then, at the last second before I left work, he suddenly handed me the manuscript, which made me angry and happy.

      Every time I get his manuscript, I lie on the chair exhausted and say to myself, this is the last time, the last cooperation. But a few days later, the editor in chief would walk slowly in and ask: "Why, why haven't you seen the manuscript of any other member for a long time?" The senior officer was so overpowering that he had no choice but to bite his teeth and fight bravely against him again.

      The boy was proud of his mischief. He remembered asking his youth storyteller to write a story and asked him to send a jade picture and resume. He sent Yuzhao, boasting that he was "a good-looking uncle who writes good books". I opened Yuzhao curiously, and almost spewed food. Another look at the introduction. What is it? Count his naughty deeds, what are the school's punishments for mischief, the company's dismissal for damaging public property, and so on. The boss can't scold me to death after seeing such a living treasure? I coaxed him to write a resume of his glorious deeds in publishing and film and television.

      However, the child is still a very sincere person. I remember that in the early summer of 2007, he suddenly sent me an article. I thought it was a manuscript. I was secretly glad that he was so happy to take the initiative to write this article this time. Unexpectedly, when I opened it, it was a prose called "When Watermelons Bloom Again". I never thought that such a naughty person would have such sincere feelings. I was so moved that my eyes were filled with tears, and my throat was choked with sobs to try to stop his previous vicious attitude towards him. He suddenly set up a group to bring me and Buk into the group, and let's talk about what's special about his prose. We were prompted by him, and it seemed that our eyes were almost crossed when we saw that it was "Tibetan". This boy, don't show off his talent at any time. I was so moved that I became angry, but I was convinced when I was not satisfied. It really needed talent to be able to accurately calculate the format, line spacing, and number of words to make such a hidden article.

      On a business trip to Shanghai, he and Yex invited me to eat in the hotel next to the company. He ordered the dishes, and then told the waiter not to put coriander, or set the store on fire. The waiter said yes with a burst of joy. He then asked seriously, "Do you know what happened to the fire last time?" We all looked at him with a puzzled face. He patted the table and said, "It's because of the coriander!" I didn't eat much of that meal. I just listened to him happily. Ye X looks indifferent and indifferent.

      When I came back, I felt grateful for their hospitality. When I remembered that I had a big talk with them about the duck neck in Wuhan at dinner, I sent a little message to them. Ye X felt sorry and thanked them again and again. But Councillor He, the greedy little fat man, did not hesitate to think about it. Once I was so angry with him that I secretly asked YeX on MSN, "Is there anything in the world that you are afraid of?"? They were both in the same office. Councillor He saw them and immediately came to tell me that he was most afraid of duck neck. When he saw duck neck, his legs would be weak and trembling and he would surrender to write a script. I snorted: "Oh, it seems that the ranking on the weapon spectrum will be rewritten. Now the first one is not the Tang Family's Overlord Gun, but the Wuhan Duck Neck."

      Every time he writes a script, he never forgets to tease me. At first, he scolded me in General Ma, saying that I urge him to write all day long, which is more annoying than urging him to find his girlfriend's mother. I was also young and energetic at that time. I didn't know tolerance, so I deleted this sentence without hesitation. Then in "Bad Men and Policewomen", I changed the name of the hero to "He Huairen" and called him "He Bad Man". Unexpectedly, he was inspired to think that he had found a mischievous opponent and spent time with me. Since then, the heroine has used my name. Each time, he solemnly stated at the end of the article that this character was purely fictional and had nothing to do with the deputy editor in chief of Modern and Ancient Legends Story Edition.

      Good Ye X saw that I was badly bullied and secretly told me the name of the girl whom Councillor He secretly loved. Ha ha, God has eyes, Councillor He, you have today! I proudly told him, "In the future, if you dare to take me as the heroine of the story, I will directly replace my name with 'xxx'." The little fat man felt very hurt, and said that I threatened him not to write for me. In the future, he would rather write for other story magazines than take the contribution fee. The only condition is that he is not allowed to change his name, and then post a blog and a cat poop.

      In fact, I also wanted to fight back. I planned to make up a story to scold him. I had a good idea of a story. I had been silly for a long time, and I was going to write it. But I thought it would hurt the demeanor of our famous journals. Besides, the boy, the more you fight back, the more noisy he becomes. Forget it. Silence is golden. Don't respond. I am pleased to find that after several battles, I have finally matured.

        Because of "Funeral of a Friend", I got a bad reputation on the cat and forced the reputation of the manuscript to spread. Now, Kela and others will hide when they see me. If they can't hide, they will betray their friends. In this way, beautiful writer Asi and others are thrown to me.

        Councillor He is a person of great taste. The writers recommended to me are all very good, and rarely do birds of a feather flock together. Although he is so stubborn that people have a headache, Yex, Bukla, etc. are excellent people. Some works and films recommended by Councillor He to me are really good after examination. His understanding of the story is very special and profound. In terms of business, I had a lot of communication with him. I felt inspired and learned a lot. He has a broad vision. Councillor He is also a very serious person. He is very serious about himself. I think that's why he and I can be friends despite our great personality differences.

        One day, I suddenly remembered to ask him about his constellation. He was very surprised and told me: "Today is my birthday. My sister just sent me a text message to remind me that I almost forgot." Well, it's better to hurry up early than to hurry up skillfully. What is bad luck? Just like me! I can't drink cold water without filling my teeth. I had to ask him hypocritically what gift he wanted. The boy thought for a moment and gave me two choices: Fujitsu notebook or Yellow Crane Tower 1916. I didn't know that the Jianghu was dangerous. I foolishly chose Yellow Crane Tower 1916. I went back to find someone to ask about the price. I admired him very much. He was willing to talk about our friendship! To my shame, I haven't cashed the gift yet. But I remember. I am also faithful.

      Once, we seemed to have a sincere conversation about Soldier Assault, and we complimented each other half heartedly. For the first time, a member of the staff affirmed to me, "It's your ability that you can meet me for a manuscript!" Although this sentence was crazy enough to make people want to beat him, I was also touched when I thought about it.


        Finally, thank Mr. Bukla for his encouragement in the process of writing this article!


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