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 Liu Xingliang
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Robots have finally started to fight against humans. Is this the beginning of a series of disasters?

(2022-07-27 16:41:16)



A few days ago, at the Moscow Open Chess Tournament, a chess robot fighting with humans moved its chess pieces before its opponent (a 7-year-old boy) finished walking. In anger, the robot reached out its mechanical arm to grab the boy's hand and squeezed it hard.


The staff overseeing the battle at the side quickly cleared the encirclement and helped the boy free his hand from the "vice" of the robot and send him to the hospital. However, the little boy's finger has been broken.


 Robots have finally started to fight against humans. Is this the beginning of a series of disasters?


This matter is just a small episode in the chess world, but it has triggered relevant discussions in the field of artificial intelligence research.




Robots have finally started to fight against humans. Is this the beginning of a series of disasters?


Relevant videos have been hot searched, and the transmission rate is extremely high.


In this case, the Moscow Chess Federation officially announced that the little chess player was eager to achieve, and moved the chess pieces without waiting for the robot to finish moving, which violated the operating regulations. Even so, the chairman of the Federation called on robot suppliers to "reconsider" their design.


It is reported that the small chess player finished the following match in plaster, very strong and optimistic. It is conceivable that the robot player should be deprived of the right to continue the competition. The parents of the child intend to file a lawsuit. Obviously, the sponsor failed to thoroughly investigate the response of robot players and did not rule out potential dangers.




In this regard, people argue that the robot's behavior is a set program, or is it independent of human designed behavior? This is a key issue.


It should be impossible to design such a program to interact with human beings, unless the designer has a mischievous psychology or tries to hurt others. This is not designing programs, but designing harmful tools.


If this action is performed independently by the robot out of the designer's original intention, the significance will be extraordinary, even chilling. The discussion on whether artificial intelligence will endanger the fate of mankind is a major topic that has existed for a long time since the concept of artificial intelligence came into being.


Obviously, people are divided into two groups: one group believes that artificial intelligence cannot produce a robot world that rules human beings, and machines only replace part of human work. Just as cars appeared in those years, replacing horse drawn carriages, unemployed rickshaw drivers soon went to repair cars. Computers informationize human work. Although clerks do not need so many, there are more programmers. wait.


Its basic argument is that any machine is just a tool that liberates human beings from heavy physical and mental labor. They are made by human beings, so they cannot exceed the scope of human creation. This is like a person who can only get 85 points in an exam. He can't make a person who can get 86 points because it is beyond his ability.


The other team believes that the concept of artificial intelligence itself contains attributes completely different from the previous scientific and technological revolution. Artificial intelligence is not the product attribute of a single tool, it contains the design intent of self-learning and self-renewal. It is precisely this original intention, coupled with the ability of electronic computing far beyond human beings, that AI will easily surpass human beings in the direction of memory storage, instant computing, etc.


 Robots have finally started to fight against humans. Is this the beginning of a series of disasters?


With the birth of the alpha dog, people found that the most intelligent human brain could no longer compete with computers, which has increasingly become an indisputable fact. Since humans can't play chess with computers, does this mean that computers have the ability to compete with people? According to the research of Elon Musk, a technology maniac, on brain machine connection and consciousness immortality, it is actually a disguised recognition that human brain has its own defects.




Human beings do have many defects. They are sentimental, jealous of talents and talents, loathe the poor and love the rich, lazy and lazy. There are defects everywhere. The lathe in the factory does not need wages. As long as the power is not cut off, it can work continuously, focusing and dedicated, and almost without mistakes.


In contrast, robots are near perfect employees. For example, a robot is a candidate for mayor of Tama, the Tokyo metropolitan city of Japan. During the election, he announced several advantages: first, he has no emotion and no desire, so he will be absolutely fair and just, and will not accept bribes; Second, no rest, high efficiency. 7X24 hour work is only routine operation; Third, good memory, can store a lot of information.


 Robots have finally started to fight against humans. Is this the beginning of a series of disasters?


Compared with this robot, the disadvantages of human beings are obvious. Especially in our environment, people are completely connected by emotional ties. The whole society is a world of mixed feelings. Everything is covered by this layer of net. To be objective and fair, it is extremely difficult. It is better to let robots serve at various Yamen gates. There is no way to find them.


However, movies and TV plays don't think so. Many movies with robots will give robots emotional color. That is to say, when they work hard, they actually have feelings of love and hatred towards the surrounding environment and things in the environment, including people. This plot will always bring a disturbing scene. For human beings, robots often have to destroy themselves or be destroyed. Because it can't have human feelings.


This shows that even writers and directors know that robots must be strictly distinguished from humans. They are tools, active bodies composed of inorganic substances. They are not living things. They don't eat, pull, or find a partner to reproduce in adulthood, so they can't talk about feelings.




Some viewers said that the robot in the Moscow chess game was a grumpy robot.


If so, it would be too late. That means that the machine we use as a tool by tapping the keyboard has a sense of self. In other words, it is aware of its own existence, and people without self-awareness will not be angry.


The result, of course, is that like human beings, they have a strong will, which contains the element of strengthening themselves, and they will regard the weak as the victims of realizing their own values. Of course, people can't beat machines.


Although most scientists do not believe that AI will threaten human survival, there are exceptions. Hawking, a great scientist, has solemnly warned that "the rise of AI is either the best thing or the worst thing for human beings." He has repeatedly stressed that "the thorough development of AI may lead to the destruction of human beings".




The development of artificial intelligence has stepped out of the fantasy stage of film and television dramas and has increasingly become a kind of real life. One thing is certain. Human beings will not stop exploring the world and themselves. Research on human brain structure and thinking ability will lead to breakthroughs in artificial intelligence sooner or later, and it has happened again and again.


In November 2015, Science magazine published a blockbuster research on the cover: AI can finally learn like human beings, and passed the Turing test. The object of the test is an AI system. The researcher respectively showed an example of a character in a writing system (for example, Tibetan) that he had never seen before, and asked it to write the same character, create similar characters and other tasks.


The results show that this system can quickly learn to write strange characters, and can also recognize non essential features (that is, those slight variations caused by writing). It passed the Turing test, which is also a great progress in the field of artificial intelligence.


Artificial intelligence is an irresistible historical trend, just as human beings invented electricity, cars and planes to liberate themselves, artificial intelligence will also bring more benefits than expected.


However, the brain of a robot is only a computer after all. In any case, scientists cannot install a human heart for robots. They cannot produce human desires, as well as the emotional impulses and actions associated with these complex and hidden desires. We should have enough confidence in this.


However, just as cars and planes often crash, workshop machines will also hurt people, and intelligent robots will inevitably have similar behaviors.


So how to avoid it? I'm afraid this is not something that designers can solve at the beginning. Artificial intelligence is an infinite open system, which needs constant adjustment and correction in practical application.


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