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Continuation of shock and repetition or downtrend (reviewed on May 11)

(2023-05-11 15:20:11)

equity market

Classification: shares
Continuation of shock and repetition or downtrend (reviewed on May 11)

    Today, the market opened 4 points higher, and the index fluctuated repeatedly. The highest touch was 3333 points, the lowest touch was 3307 points, and the closing point was 3309 points, down 9 points, down 0.29%. Today, the transaction shrank, and individual stocks rose more or fell less.

    Today, the market fluctuated repeatedly, with a large amount of super funds and total funds flowing out.                                                                                                                                                          
    On the technical side, the red column of the daily MACD disappears, dead forks appear, and KDJ and RSI have dead forks. The perimeter MACD red column shrinks, the KDJ opening enlarges, and the RSI opening shrinks. A small negative line with a long shadow line is closed on the weekly line, and the 5-week moving average is lost.

    The review on Wednesday pointed out that "today, the market once fell near the second rising trend line and closed above the 10 antennas. From the perspective of morphology, there are signs of double heads, and from the perspective of trend, it is still above the trend line. It is hard to say whether the future market will fluctuate above the trend line or fall below the trend line and take two waves to adjust. However, one wave will not be infinite, and the adjustment wave will eventually come, so you should be prepared. Short term aftermarket shocks repeated or downward. ".

    Today, the market was in shock and consolidation, and the late market was slightly weaker, closing down 9 points. Today's transactions have shrunk considerably, and funds continue to flow out in large quantities.

    The market was cloudy for three consecutive days, and 30 antennas were lost, but it was still above the second rising trend line. Although the future market will fluctuate repeatedly above the trend line, it is still hard to say whether the market will fall below the trend line and take two waves for adjustment. However, the transaction volume has shrunk significantly for two consecutive days, and the probability of decline is increasing. You should be prepared for the adjustment wave that will eventually come. Short term aftermarket shocks repeatedly or downward.

    Some people often complain about the price of the index and whether the index will rise or not. In fact, it is often a matter of personal mentality. In the short term, it is true that sometimes there will be such abnormal times, but a longer time, they will naturally correct. It is just like that the market has fallen in the past two days, but individual stocks have risen more than they have fallen less. It is a kind of correction. I do analysis every day, and the rise/fall ratio of individual stocks I see is mostly in sync with the index.

    For all kinds of indexes, there are small cap indexes and large cap indexes. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is a relatively balanced index, so it is agreed in the market that Chengdu is a large market for the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index. If anyone is always obsessed with the abnormal market and resents the differentiation of individual stocks and the abnormal index for a period of time, it means that there is something wrong with his mentality and he should stay away from the market. This is my advice.  

Operating tips
    Control bin in operation. I always believe that position control cannot be absolute, and it is irrational to have a full short position. No matter the rise or fall, it is not hard. The position you can easily deal with is your most reasonable position. Of course, except for those who are also suffering from ups and downs, such people should not come to the stock market.  

    The weekly review is exclusively released on the public account. If you need it, please follow my "Shoushan Kanpan" public account.

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    I only write some personal views on the market, and will not have so-called cooperation in operation with any institution or individual, nor will I take the initiative to contact strangers to discuss stock related matters. Anyone who takes the initiative to contact you in my name to talk about stocks is fake, so don't be fooled.

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