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Peripheral boom! Big A can't say enough!!!

(2022-03-10 12:46:25)



Jindinggu Battlefield

Teacher Jinding

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Daily afternoon review

Undertake the content of the night report last night: Cohesion: 174 o'clock! Stunned

People are a strange species. When they fall from 3500 points, they feel uncomfortable every day. They rebound slightly. For example, from 3147 points yesterday to 3318 points now, the money has not returned, but people's psychology is still much better!

To prevent the market from going up and down is still in the earshot. In the context of the booming economy, it can also make the two dogs in the market panic yesterday. Stop loss orders and financing orders rush to flee, which only shows that this order is really too unstable!

As comrades in arms leave messages, where is there the shadow of elegant, calm and confident people of a great country?

To tell you the truth, when the market fell sharply yesterday, I was learning 442, strengthening "Four Consciousness", strengthening "Four Confidence", and achieving "Two Maintenance". It was this D member's self-cultivation and belief that brought the market back to life again!

Just ask whether you are satisfied or not! ha-ha!!!

Today, the market continues to rebound, but it is still inferior to the outside world. You know, the German and French stock markets rose by more than 7% yesterday, which is a great pleasure!

From the perspective of the technical trend of the Shanghai Stock Index, the theoretical space for the C wave to kill is enough, but one foot always seems to feel a bit unstable. If you want to stabilize the upward trend, it depends on the loose expectations of the policy! In short, I am very dissatisfied with today's trend, which is really inexhaustible!!!


one . The latest news is that Ukraine admitted that it could not join NATO, so it agreed to become a neutral country, But they did not agree with Russia's request on the attribution of Crimea and Donbas.

I hope it will end soon! A Cough I really can't pay for you anymore!!! The days of leeks are not easy now!

2.   On March 9 last year, A-share plummeted! On March 9 this year, it plummeted again! The so-called no coincidence, no book, is it because the majority of male compatriots buy flowers for female compatriots to buy poor, need to sell shares to maintain the life of instant noodles? 3328 on March 9 last year was the lowest point in the year. What about 3147 this year?

After this comparison, I found that every year is getting worse!

3. International oil price plummeted, WTI In April, crude oil futures fell 12.12% to 108.70 dollars/barrel; Brent crude oil futures closed 13.16% lower at $111.14/barrel. In addition, nonferrous metals plummeted! Stainless steel drop stop! A number of varieties have fallen sharply, it seems that the expectations of the periphery for the war are decreasing!!!


People can go back to the past,

But I can't go back to the past

Life needs fireworks,

It also needs quiet beauty.

Life tells us:                          

Funny souls always fit!                  

If one day                                

You are miserable and depressed                              

Desperate for life,

You might as well go to the hospital,

You will find: no disease, no disaster,

Living is a kind of happiness!

The money is basically enough                              

There are also seasonal clothes

Enjoy sunshine and rain                  

Can eat, run and jump,

This is a kind of happiness!

more More timely information, follow Sina Weibo of Jindinggu Battlefield: Jindinggu Battlefield                                                      




  Statement: This article is only used to record the experience log of the blogger's stock market, and does not make investment suggestions. Therefore, the operation is at your own risk!!!


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