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Break out! Don't hesitate!!!

(2022-01-12 13:37:29)



Jindinggu Battlefield

Teacher Jinding

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Daily afternoon review

Undertake the content of the night report last night: Cohesion: One word: endure

The market has been adjusting for a month,

Pessimism is growing,

One word: endure!

Many things will happen in one's life!

Some are your highlights and some are your darkest moments!

But there are always some things that need you to endure to get something!

When a person has the real ability to endure,

His heart will grow a kind of anti fragile ability,

Against the uncertainty of the world,

Bring meaning to life!

"Success is boiled down."

Believe it!!!

2.  At this time last year,

Presumably, everyone did not expect the epidemic to continue!

And the market is still keen on the concept of speculation epidemic!

The difference is that,

New object!

Last year, it was Yingke Y Therapy,

Now it is Jiu'an Y Therapy!

The current dragon head tactics seem to be more effective,

Turn the so-called dragon head tactics!

 Break out! Don't hesitate!!!

3. The news in the evening paper last night stimulated Ning Wang!

Good performance today!


The valuation refers to Ning Wang in 2050,

Is the current valuation in 2040?

Should it fall?

Maybe it should fall!

Just hope that the Xinning King we are optimistic about can make achievements as soon as possible!

Only then can we achieve real success!

Not a following relationship!

Is the relationship of substitution!

This market has always been like this,

There are heroes in the market,

Each leader will lead for one or two years!!!

more More timely information, follow Sina Weibo of Jindinggu Battlefield: Jindinggu Battlefield                                                      



    Statement: This article is only used to record the experience log of the blogger's stock market, and does not make investment suggestions. Therefore, the operation is at your own risk!!!


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