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Market style may change!!!

(2021-12-06 13:56:17)



Jindinggu Battlefield

Teacher Jinding

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Daily afternoon review

A few days ago, on an investor exchange platform, an investor posted that his position in Vanke, Rongchuang and Ping An had led to losses, from 10 million yuan in March this year to only 3 million yuan now. Some people questioned and sighed with emotion about this investor's experience.

The netizen said that he lives in a small county town in Guangdong, and his annual salary is about 200000 yuan. "I don't know how to analyze stocks. I just buy them when others think they are good". He has always insisted on not buying expensive stocks, and at the same time, he prefers stocks that are not popular with the market and continue to decline. After one or two years of reverse selling, he can basically make money every time. "After 11 years of investment, we have earned 10 million yuan from tens of thousands.".

 Market style may change!!!

The first half of the experience is really inspirational! The market has also given a generous return on the long-term undervalued investment of 11 years!

Since last year, this has suddenly gone out of fashion in the market! Many big blue chips' stock prices are now one-third or even less than a quarter of their former highs, which may often mean a big turnaround!!!

Once on the market, companies with strong profitability who had fallen significantly below their net assets flocked to the market, especially those whose share price was only half of their net assets but whose P/E ratio was only several times, which was priceless. Later, various genres emerged in the market, so more and more people forgot their original intention!

However, no matter what changes, from the perspective of investment, companies that have value in investment, can make money, and make a lot of money, in theory, the final result will not be bad!

Therefore, our weekly strategy yesterday focused on this point!

Strategically, continue to stick to four companies, and the rest will be transferred to the undervalued big blue chip companies that can make big money!!!


If there is an afterlife



If you have an afterlife,

To be a tree,

Stand forever

There is no sad and joyful posture,

Half in the dust,

Half is flying in the wind,

Half of them are in the shade,

Half bathed in sunshine

Very quiet, very proud

Never rely on,

Never look

If there is an afterlife,

To turn into a gust of wind,

An instant can also become eternal

Without sentimental feelings,

No amorous eyes

Half free and easy in the rain,

Half travel in spring;


Go on a long journey alone,

Take away all the faint thoughts,

Never miss,

Never love

If there is an afterlife,

To be a bird,

Fly over eternity,

There is no trouble of getting lost

The East has bright hopes,

There are warm nest beds in the south,

Drive the setting sun westward,

Awaken the fragrance to the north

If there is an afterlife,

I hope every time I meet,

All can turn into eternity

more More timely information, follow Sina Weibo of Jindinggu Battlefield: Jindinggu Battlefield                                                        



  Statement: This article is only used to record the experience log of the blogger's stock market, and does not make investment suggestions. Therefore, the operation is at your own risk!!!


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