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 Dietitian Zhao Yingmin
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Nutritionist: You have the ability to lose weight. Do you have the ability to be healthy?

(2014-10-30 13:16:25)






Classification: Slimming section

 Nutritionist: You have the ability to lose weight. Do you have the ability to be healthy?
By: Zhao Yingmin

Every day, we can see all kinds of slimming propaganda, including WeChat selling slimming products everywhere. Even if I saw them, I would not make any comments on them, because it is just business for them, and they are not responsible for your health. But here I can tell you all my opinions and suggestions, because I not only want to help all people lose weight successfully, but also be responsible for everyone's health.

Everyone who has read my book knows that I am not born thin, on the contrary, I have gradually changed from a little fat man to what I am today. I have made a lot of efforts and tried all the slimming methods I can choose. I am very persistent and lucky, and I have succeeded in slimming. However, a series of problems in my body are really terrible, so I know the pain, so I will learn nutrition later, and change my figure and reshape myself through healthy diet. I know there are many people, many of whom, like me, have the perseverance to lose weight, but the important thing is: you have the ability to lose weight, do you have the ability to be healthy? This is the key to the problem. It is the key to your success in maintaining weight and slimming.

The reason why I wrote such a blog today, which has nothing to do with weight loss, diet matching methods or cases, but wants to correct some of our wrong weight loss ideas, is because I think this is very important, because there is no correct weight loss idea, a right or wrong understanding, a new self understanding, no matter how you start, Still failed in the end. I often see that many people want to try a simple way to lose weight, such as banana vinegar, or weaning, and many still choose some weight loss drugs that are well publicized. I'm really worried. These methods are not available today. If they are effective, you don't have to work so hard. I tried all kinds of methods like a mouse, but failed repeatedly.


First of all, be a person with more requirements

        There is really no shortcut to lose weight. Only a reasonable diet and proper exercise can help you lose weight. Don't think about not dieting, not exercising, eating as you should, and not dreaming about how thin you can be, or what medicine you can take. You can also lose muscle, fish line, and vest line. Don't think about it at any time. It's just like there's no pie in the sky. Of course, what I mean here is still the success of slimming, which does not count as short-term slimming. It can only be said that your weight has been temporarily reduced, but the internal fat of the body is still there, and the metabolism of the body is slow, which will also cause endocrine disorders.

        Some girls are about to say, but I like to eat things that are easy to get fat. What should I do? I am used to eating at night, otherwise I will be hungry at midnight and get up to eat; Some mothers with children say that they are tired to death every day when they take care of their children. How can they have time to arrange their own food and exercise? Of course, some people say that depending on how fast other people's stars lose weight, they must have a magic weapon to lose weight. When they see the so-called celebrity diet on the Internet, or the diet of a successful slimmer, they will follow and copy it.

        I especially want to tell those girls that they should not complain about their hard work in bringing up their children, that they have no time, that they are fat when eating anything, that they don't like sports, and that they don't like sweating... Look for ways to lose weight without paying anything. How many of you are truly successful in the diet and slimming methods that everyone pursues? When you choose these, you overlook them when you envy them. It means that others have a high degree of self-control and self-discipline. They are both mothers and have the same distress. It is not that others have more time and more money. If you are not self-discipline and have no requirements on yourself, even if you have ten A nanny should be fat or fat, and you should be thin or thin if you want to take care of your children alone. The main thing is that if you want to do something, you have to overcome all difficulties, not just think about it. So if you can't learn to be strict and demanding with yourself, you will always envy others, and will always complain and sigh.

So if you want to slim down, you should first have requirements for yourself, what you want to be and what you want to be, and then know self-discipline and do it seriously.


If you can't control your weight, how can you control your life?

Girls! Beauty, not just looking at the front, twenty-five When I was 20 years old, everyone looked the same, because there were too many thin people and too many beautiful people in the world of my twenties. But if you can thirty Years old, forty fifty At the age of, people who can still keep healthy and beautiful are the winners. In the next ten years and twenty years, you can still make yourself proud and surprise others with your miracle, which is the most valuable goal to pursue.

If you are still patiently reading this article, I especially want to tell you that if we are still fat, then we are very happy, because we are beginning to reshape ourselves! You will understand the sense of achievement.

In fact, I often think that if I was born thin, maybe I would never have a chance to enter the world of dietetics and slimming in my life, I would not experience the beauty in the process. Of course, there is no job today, no sense of achievement, and no way to help you change your life and reshape yourself.

Many mothers lament that time is not only a butcher's knife, but also a pig's feed. They lament that life is becoming less and less exciting. Many people also asked me how I kept young, and even took out my previous photos for comparison. They thought I looked much more beautiful than before, from a little fat girl to a healthy, symmetrical and confident girl now. Not only me, but also many mothers, like me, gradually and quietly reshape themselves to make their lives more and more exciting.

So, you can't even control your own weight. How can you have the perseverance to control your life?


A person's self-cultivation can be seen from his figure

After careful observation, it is hard to see that an elegant and noble woman is fat in our life. Most women with elegant manners and dignified images are slim, as if there are always more thin people than fat people in the gym.

        You know, we passed thirty After the age of, the muscle will be reduced by 0.5~2% every year And replaced by fat. Yes thirty Your metabolism will also increase by two 5% You can only eat less if you want to keep fit. That is to say, if our diet does not change in the future, sooner or later our body will gradually become fat.

So the exercise and diet changes we are discussing are not only for weight loss, but also for better understanding, and the ultimate goal is to enable you to 30.40.50 Year old, look around and find that you are the most beautiful!

Think about it, when you are using WeChat and microblog, he reads books and learns; When you sleep late, he goes running for fitness; When you eat and drink and stay up late to surf the Internet, he can control his diet, sleep on time, and form a good rest. After a long time, think about whether there is a distance between everyone, forming a rich man in terms of material and time. At the same time, he is not only in good shape, but also thin and healthy, and you try hard to trade your health for temporary weight loss. It is hard to suffer, and the weight is still high, More and more unhappy.

So we can also say that by looking at a person's body, we can see his self-cultivation. The older he is, the more he needs a self-discipline spirit to maintain a good body.


Tail note: At the moment, do you still think that those so-called fast weight loss methods can really help you keep thin, keep your health and make you beautiful? Do you still think you have so many reasons to let your body change freely? Are there so many excuses that you don't have time? What you need is to correct your concept of weight loss, change the wrong methods in the past, give up the idea of enjoying the benefits, and stick to the correct concept and method of weight loss. We not only have the ability to slim down, but also thin and healthy. We are not only alive, but also live wonderfully...




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