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 Academician Chen Junshi
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Respond to @ environmental protection Dong Liangjie's microblog

(2013-05-25 21:30:14)

Chen Junshi

Risk communication


Food Safety

Classification: Media interview video

Response @ Environmental Protection Dong Liangjie Weibo] Dong Liang Jay accused me that "after the exposure of cadmium rice, @ Academician Chen Junshi   The recommended solution is Mixed with food ". http://weibo.com/2013536464/zxQOUEmhL

This is not true. I didn't say that we should eat "substandard rice and qualified rice together". five month twenty No., Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center( CFIC )A warning of excessive cadmium in rice was published, in which the suggestion to consumers is that food diversification can reduce the risks caused by invisible pollution, and it is also conducive to the nutrition balance of diet. This suggestion is not only for cadmium rice, but also for general self-protection measures.

Full text: http://www.chinafic.org/rel/fb ! show_son.do?wode=154&Id=1208

Extract from the original text:

Suggestions for consumers:
    Rice is our daily staple food. For most consumers in China, it is difficult not to eat rice. Therefore For consumers, we should try to reduce the impact of rice with excessive cadmium on their own health. It is suggested that we should try to increase the diversity of recipes and reduce the dependence on rice (especially rice from a single source). As recommended by the Chinese diet pagoda, the daily diet should include a variety of foods, and the staple food should also include a variety of coarse grains, rather than rice.  

Secondly, the CFIC also called on the government to do something.

Extract from the original text:

Suggestions for government departments:
    Strictly detect the cadmium content of rice and other food and drinking water, improve the monitoring and detection system of rice and other agricultural products, and and Hour Deal with and publish to let people know whether the rice they eat is safe. It should be noted that in addition to cadmium, there may be lead, arsenic, mercury and other heavy metal pollution in rice. Considering the amount of rice in China's daily diet, it is also necessary to comprehensively and systematically assess and monitor all kinds of pollution.
    The basic way to control the cadmium pollution of rice and ensure consumers to eat rice and other food safely is to carry out environmental governance on the basis of understanding the source of pollution. However, this is a long-term strategy, which requires a lot of resources, and cannot achieve short-term results. The quick and effective way is to stop short of rice and other crops for the identified key contaminated farmland.  

It is very clear that the rice known to have exceeded the cadmium standard must not be sold or eaten.

The premise of my suggestion is that there are not many unqualified foods at present, and most of them are qualified.

Taking the cadmium rice incident as an example, according to Xinhua News Agency, Guangdong Food Safety Office twenty-one It was announced on the evening of the th that the Quality Supervision Bureau of Guangdong Province organized six hundred and eighteen The rice products in the finished product warehouse of rice production and processing enterprises were sampled, and a total of finished rice products were sampled seven hundred and sixty-two Batch, unqualified eleven Batch, accounting for 1.4% Guangdong Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce has jointly organized sampling inspection of rice three hundred and forty-two Batch, in which the cadmium content is unqualified twenty Batch, accounting for 5.8% Guangzhou was initially reported eighteen In batches of rice eight The results of cadmium exceeding the standard in batches are obviously not representative.


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