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 Academician Chen Junshi
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News Report on Iron Soy Sauce (IV)

(2011-01-09 11:26:07)

Iron fortified soy sauce


Classification: On food safety
              Professor Chen Chunming: Who is lying about the safety of iron fortified soy sauce
  [About the author]
      Professor Chen Chunming, a well-known nutrition and public health scientist at home and abroad, has been engaged in research work in the field of food and nutrition since 1947, especially devoted to human nutrition. He has successively served as the deputy director and director of the Institute of Health of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the director of the Department of Epidemic Prevention of the Ministry of Health, and the first president of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, with outstanding scientific research achievements. In 1993, he was elected as a member of the 8th CPPCC National Committee. After retiring in 1999, he was a senior scientific and technological adviser of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
      Professor Chen Chunming enjoys a high prestige in the world. From 1979 to 2002, she served as a member of the advisory group of nutrition experts of the World Health Organization. In 1992, she was a member of the Expert Committee of the Ministerial World Nutrition Conference jointly convened by FAO and the World Health Organization, and was elected as the Vice President of the Conference. He was one of the founders of the Chinese office of the International Society for Life Sciences and served as the director from 1993 to 2003. In 2002, she was elected as a member of the Board of Directors of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and devoted herself to the cause of overcoming global micronutrient deficiency.


        Read the 18th edition of the Beijing Evening News on November 15 Someone is Lying "is very unpleasant. Who is lying? It's really puzzling. I really have to say something about the points raised in the article.
      "Multiple experts questioned -"
      It is proposed in the article "Soy sauce plus NaFeEDTA will affect the absorption of calcium, zinc, copper and other elements" Where is the evidence? It is not mentioned in the article. Moreover, the research conclusions of international authoritative experts are not mentioned in the article, such as Richard, the world's top micronutrient expert Hurrell)。 He has been engaged in research in this field for many years, using advanced stable isotope methods to carry out research in women and even infants. His conclusion is that the amount of NaFeEDTA as an iron nutrition fortifier in food has no effect on the absorption of zinc, copper, magnesium and calcium, and is no different from the fortification of other iron nutrition fortifiers (such as ferrous sulfate), It will not cause the deficiency of the above nutrients in the human body. The 2007 assessment report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) clearly pointed out that NaFeEDTA did not affect the absorption of zinc in the body.
      in the way of Taking 2-4 milligrams of iron from iron soy sauce every day will lead to too much iron, which can not be discharged and deposited in the body. This is an error of understanding It is true that 2-4 mg is taken from iron soy sauce, but NaFeEDTA Under Chinese dietary conditions, the absorption rate is 10%, that is to say, if you ingest 2-4 mg, the absorbed iron is only 0.2-0.4 mg. According to research, the average physiological iron loss of adult men is 1 mg per day, while the daily use of iron soy sauce only supplements 20% - 40% of the daily body loss. What's more, women of childbearing age lose an average of 1.5 mg of iron every day. Eating iron soy sauce only supplements 1/6-1/4 of the lost iron. It is impossible to talk about the problem of iron deposition caused by excessive iron intake.
      It is said that too much iron will lead to cancer and other disease risks, and there is no evidence in the article Moreover, the risk of disease should be based on the amount of iron intake. How much iron intake and how high is the serum iron? No evidence was presented. The scientific data observed by various populations of iron soy sauce has proved that the level of hemoglobin in the population consuming NaFeEDTA fortified soy sauce is in the normal range, and there is no risk of disease.
      "Lawyer challenges - whether the interest relationship can be disclosed"
      On the issue of interest relationship, the development of iron soy sauce is really different from ordinary food. It is the idea of scientists to use NaFeEDTA fortified soy sauce to prevent iron deficiency anemia. Under this idea, scientists have done research for 6 years from the toxicology of NaFeEDTA, the study of absorption rate under Chinese dietary conditions, the observation of anemia intervention effect in 300 people, to the observation of on-site effect in nearly 10000 people. A large number of scientific data have proved the safety and effectiveness of this measure. These studies have been recognized and appreciated by international peers in many exchanges and conferences. The promotion practice in the following six years verified the field effect of NaFeEDTA fortified soy sauce in preventing and controlling iron deficiency anemia.
      Promoting the research and development of this product on the basis of research is not a general model for enterprises to develop products and then find experts to review them, but a public private partnership model adopted to solve public health problems, that is, the public private partnership encouraged by the international and UN agencies (PPP) mode. Each country will develop its own nutrition improvement strategy, and the government departments will set standards, educate the public and issue relevant regulations. However, the government is neither responsible for food processing nor food marketing. Only enterprises can produce these products and have a set of skills in processing, managing and marketing products. Is it possible to solve the nutrition problem without the enterprise? The cooperation between public institutions and private institutions on iron fortified soy sauce originated from the initiative of the scientific and technological community. Based on scientific research conclusions and the benefits of iron fortified soy sauce for public health, enterprises were persuaded to develop and produce iron fortified soy sauce. Because the enterprise needs to invest in it, it has more difficulty in product marketing than non fortified soy sauce, and the enterprise may lose money.
      For this reason, the Chinese Center for Disease Control not only urged enterprises to study the iron addition process in the research process, such as the solubility of NaFeEDTA, the taste and flavor of the product, color, sensory indicators, addition points, shelf life time and various standard indicators of product changes, so as to ensure the product quality; It is also necessary to study and formulate the "Food Hazard Analysis and Key Point Control" system for pollution prevention of iron fortified soy sauce production enterprises, the requirements of enterprise quality control system, and the determination method of NaFeEDTA iron in soy sauce and simplify it to be able to detect in the laboratory of the origin, and take the implementation of this series of regulations by enterprises as the conditions to determine whether they are qualified to produce iron fortified soy sauce. The inspection and acceptance of production enterprises cooperated by the Food Intensification Office of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Chinese Flavor Association is to develop iron fortified soy sauce production enterprises in an orderly manner and ensure quality. So far, only more than 20 enterprises have obtained certificates. This acceptance does not charge any fees to the enterprise. What are the economic interests of both sides?
      If we have to say that there are benefits, that is: iron fortified soy sauce appears in the market, people know the benefits of iron fortified soy sauce, and there are places to buy it and afford it. As a result, China's public health has been improved and China's public health has benefited, which is the interests of the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Enterprises have fulfilled their social responsibilities.
      As for how many experts have participated in the review of iron fortified soy sauce, it is necessary to know that there are procedures for NaFeEDTA to become an iron nutritional fortifier and that only NaFeEDTA is allowed to be added to soy sauce to become a national standard, and each procedure is also checked by experts.
      "The project of using iron fortified soy sauce to control iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia in China" was awarded the second prize of scientific and technological progress achievement of the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association in 2008, which was the result of secret ballot of relevant experts of the review committee. Does this also need to be listed?
      Of course, there may be different opinions at any time, and scientific data cannot be perfect, but we need to see the mainstream of scientific evidence and the weight of the basis of conclusions.
      The decision of the Ministry of Health to promote iron fortified soy sauce is based on respect for science. According to the action summary step by step, the promotion of iron fortified soy sauce has been carried out more than once, and progress has been made. It is not a random choice.
      "Someone lied openly about 'security'"
      The safety of products is governed by national standards. Our standards are in line with international standards, so, Iron fortified soy sauce is by no means a product of "excessive reinforcement and abuse without supervision", and no one lies about "safety" The products produced according to the standards are less likely to "have serious consequences". During the development of iron fortified soy sauce, JECFA also constantly affirmed the safety of NaFeEDTA and put forward the dosage regulations; The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) included NaFeEDTA in the "GRAS" (generally recognized as safe) list of additives in 2004, and approved it to be used in soy sauce in 2006. The allowable dosage is the same as our standard Both the European Union and the United Kingdom have issued the regulations that NaFeEDTA is applicable to fortified foods or drugs (the daily allowable dosage reaches 205 mg of iron). These are the documents of the Food Safety Committee or the Pharmacopoeia, which are well founded and have proved that the safety of NaFeEDTA used for soy sauce fortification is guaranteed.
      I am not a publicity loving person, and I have never been active in newspapers; He is old and doesn't want to do anything amazing. But after reading the article "Iron Tonifying Soy Sauce" It was reported that "Someone is lying". In the face of such a headline that obliterates the truth, I cannot be silent when I think of the 13 years' struggle of the Iron Soy Sauce team and its spirit of fearing difficulties and overcoming numerous problems. It's no problem that people can endure humiliation when they are wronged; But the decision made for the people's health cannot be "wronged" because it concerns the health of millions of people. Therefore, I wish I could stop the disturbance and make great strides in the cause of anemia prevention.




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