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 Ge Keyou
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Diet cannot change people's acid-base balance

(2013-03-05 15:54:25)

The pH of human body is stable

All healthy people are in acid-base balance all the time Of blood and tissue fluid PH (hydrogen ion concentration) Always maintain seven point four Left and right, not lower than seven point three five Nor higher than seven point four five such The stable state is achieved through a very complex regulation system. First, through the regulation of respiratory function, more carbon dioxide is exhaled when the body fluid is acidic, and less is exhaled when the body fluid is alkaline carbon dioxide Secondly, through kidney regulation, more acidic substances are discharged when the body fluid is acidic, and more alkaline substances are discharged when the body fluid is alkaline. At the same time, there are four buffer pairs (carbonate buffer pair, phosphate buffer pair, hemoglobin buffer pair and plasma protein buffer pair) in the blood to fine tune the pH of the blood at any time. This regulating ability of human body belongs to normal physiological function and does not require human intervention. Some people's urine is acidic, some people's urine is alkaline, or a person's urine is sometimes acidic and sometimes alkaline, which is the performance of the body to regulate the body's acid-base balance by excreting more acidic substances or more alkaline substances. It is not the expression of "acidic constitution" or "alkaline constitution".

        Food and drinking water cannot change the pH of human body

        The pH of water and various aqueous solutions is determined by their hydrogen ion concentration( pH )To represent. pH be equal to seven Is neutral, pH greater than seven It is alkaline. The higher the value, the stronger the alkalinity. pH less than seven It is acidic. The smaller the value, the stronger the acidity. China's drinking water standards pH stay 6.5~8.5 All are qualified drinking water. Drinking weakly acidic or weakly alkaline water will not have adverse effects on the body, nor will it affect the acid-base balance of the human body. Overrendering "weakly alkaline water" Probably for business purposes, not for health.

People's daily food is diverse and can be divided into several categories. Cereals such as rice and noodles, animal foods such as meat, fish, poultry and eggs, and some nuts are called "acidic foods". Because they contain more elements such as phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine , The ash after combustion is dissolved in water to form acidic solution, which indicates that the acid products possibly generated by its metabolism in the body are dominant. All kinds of vegetables, fruits, beans and milk are called "alkaline food". Because they contain more elements such as potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium , The ash after combustion is dissolved in water to form an alkaline solution, which can be inferred after its metabolism in the body probably The alkaline products are dominant. However, this inference has not yet been scientifically confirmed. The metabolic process of the human body is extremely complex, and there are countless metabolites. It cannot be simply thought that eating acidic or alkaline food will affect the acidity or alkalinity of body fluids. In fact, whether you No water or food can change the acid-base balance of the body.

As early as eighteen century , Led by British Admiral one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five Eight sailors sailed around the world. Their food was mainly food and meat , There are almost no vegetables and fruits. four Loss of crew within the year one thousand and fifty-one They died of vitamin C deficiency and other diseases, but there was no record of acidosis. twenty In the middle of the 20th century, the Chinese People's Volunteers went to Korea for the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and the food conditions were very poor, even "a handful of chow mein and a handful of snow", and they could not eat "vegetables and fruits" at all. At that time, some soldiers suffered from night blindness due to lack of vitamin A, but there was no symptom of acidosis. This shows that the acidity and alkalinity of food cannot change the acidity and alkalinity of the human body, nor will it cause "acidic constitution".



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