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 Ge Keyou
Ge Keyou
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Eating is not that difficult

(2008-03-26 17:35:45)

having dinner

delicious food



  Last time I said this sentence, I felt I should explain it again. Last year, Mei Chen, a freelance writer, visited me and talked about many issues. Two of them are related to the fact that eating is not so difficult. Copy as follows:

Mei Chen: Chinese people are accustomed to eating fried vegetables, From the perspective of nutrition, how should vegetables be eaten to be nutritious? Water blanching?

Ge Keyou: Not necessarily. The destruction of vitamins in vegetables is proportional to the temperature and heating time, so we don't advocate using very high temperature and long time to cook. Stir fry for a minute or two, and the vitamin loss in stir frying is not necessarily more than that in blanching; In the process of blanching, many nutrients will be lost to water, so there is no need to be so careful. If we say that people eat delicious and comfortable fried vegetables, they will eat half a jin of them; When cooking, everyone felt tasteless and didn't want to eat, so they only ate two liang; Which way takes more vitamins? Therefore, in principle, it is necessary to use less oil in cooking, and then master not too high temperature and too long time.


Mei Chen: In any case, whether it is stir frying or blanching, we have to destroy the nutrients and eat them crudely.

Ge Keyou: Eating raw has its advantages. For example, folic acid is easy to be absorbed when lettuce is heated. After heating, it loses a lot. This kind of food can be eaten raw; Like carotene and lycopene, it can be eaten raw, but it is easier to be absorbed by the human body after being heated and mixed with oil. (Mei: I have read some reports before, saying that carrots must be fried to eat so that nutrients can be absorbed; tomatoes must be cooked to eat so that they can prevent cancer, doesn't it mean that?) It means that, but don't make it absolute, because although carotene is preserved during frying, vitamin C is lost; When eating raw, although vitamin C is absorbed, carotene is absorbed less, so don't take it as absolute. People can eat as they like. It's not good to eat raw today and cooked tomorrow, diversified, tasty and nutritious! Today, you can stir fry a plate of cabbage and salad a tomato; How wonderful it is to dip lettuce in sauce and add a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes tomorrow! Don't we Chinese eat like this? It's good to eat in a variety of ways. Don't worry too much about what the newspaper says today is good to eat raw and tomorrow is good to eat cooked, which confuses people.

    People eat not only to be satisfied, but also to get the pleasure of eating from it. Otherwise, just like stuffing ducks, it is not enough to get a tube directly into it. Many tabloids only talk about one sidedness and absolutize it, which is not in line with science (Mei: it makes people feel puzzled, what is said in various media is different, and I don't know who to listen to!). It makes people feel at a loss. As a matter of fact, we have explained the big truth, that is to say, we should have a balanced diet. People should be flexible, relaxed and nutritious. It's not that complicated!


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