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Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

(2020-05-20 10:00:44)


58 days of free travel in Asia, Africa and Europe



Rick Cafe

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Classification: Afrika

Palace and Cafe [Casablanca* Morocco

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

        The road to the palace is very good. It is clean, quiet and green.

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

    Casablanca Palace, the residence of the King of Morocco and his family. It is not open to the outside world. You can only watch the appearance. In fact, there are royal palaces for Moroccan kings in all places, such as Rabat, Marrakech and Fice.

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

        Around the palace, it rained that day.

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

      The whole imperial palace area is heavily guarded, but the appearance seems loose.

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

    The film Casablanca, also known as North African Spy Shadow, is one of the most successful films made in Hollywood during World War II and has won the one thousand nine hundred and forty-three Oscar for Best Picture. The enduring love story in the film takes place in Casablanca, a city at the northern end of French Morocco. Although the film was shot in the Hollywood studio, all the scenes were copied from the original scene of Casablanca, and some local scenic spots have become pilgrimages for film fans.

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

    Rick Cafe is famous for the movie Casablanca. Now, the film screening room on the second floor of the cafe has been playing the film circularly. In addition, the layout of the cafe is full of elements of the film, and it is a must go pilgrimage for movie lovers.

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

 Palace and Cafe [Casablanca * Morocco]

Relevant information is taken from the network                                                               Photographed on two thousand and nineteen year three month


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