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National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

(2016-10-26 01:36:58)


Addis Ababa

Ethnic Museum

African style

Historical relics

Classification: Afrika

National Museum [Ethiopia * Africa

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

In Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, I went to visit the University of Addis Ababa with my companions. Of course, the most important thing here is to see the National Museum.

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

The National Museum is located next to the former Haile Selassie Palace, surrounded by the University of Addis Ababa, where you can learn about Ethiopia's rich history and culture.

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

Ethiopia also has a long history. It is said that the local people believe that the country of Queen Hiba, who had a son with Solomon in the Old Testament, is today's Ethiopia. The ancient country of Aksum in the first century AD left many historic sites. In modern African history, Ethiopia is the only country that has not been completely colonized nineteen At the end of the 20th century, Italy was forced to recognize Ethiopia's independent status by defeating the invading Italian army. The National Museum is a four storey building with simple furnishings and limited exhibits. There are some pottery, several stone statues and a few bronzes in ancient history ( But only one oil lamp for dog hunting deer can be regarded as beautiful, and the others are relatively simple ) , several stone tablets with strange characters, and more than ten gold and silver coins of Aksum period.

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

Outside the museum, there are stone materials. On the second floor, there are materials of natural science, anthropology, archaeology, etc., as well as art works. On the third floor, there are materials of ethnology.

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

 National Museum [See and hear from Ethiopia * Africa]

Relevant information is taken from the Internet two thousand and sixteen year eight month


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