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Prelude to Jumping Bulls [seen and heard in Ethiopia * East and South Africa]

(2016-08-29 02:08:16)

Hamo nationality

Male Adult Ceremony - Jumping Bull

Strange customs


Women sing and dance

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Afrika

Prelude to Jumping Bull

Ethiopia * East and South Africa



After returning from La Libera, three friends in Beijing decided not to go south. However, my friends in Nanjing and I decided to go to the Omo Valley in southern Ethiopia to see the local customs of some primitive tribes. According to the strategy, we found a travel agency in Addis Ababa, and after talking, we agreed to go there with two people, a four-wheel drive SUV alone, all inclusive (driver, guide, security guard, hotel and catering).

The next morning, the driver drove an SUV to our The hotel "Abyssinia" set out at 7:00, after a day eight After an hour's journey five hundred Albamanch, km away.

After staying one night, drive the next day two hundred and eighty It was nearly one o'clock in the afternoon when I came to Tumi Town, which is close to the border of Kenya. After entering the hotel and having lunch, get on the bus immediately. The driver led us into the jungle near the border of Elkem. There was no decent road at all. It was a bumpy dirt road. I can't navigate on the map, and I can't see the road. The off-road vehicles are driving through the jungle one by one, and I think they have driven close twenty Km, the car stopped. The local temporary guide asked us to get off the bus and follow him. About 100 meters away, we came to an open area. A closer look shows that there are many Europeans and Americans, most of whom are the local primitive tribe "Hamo". Many women of the Hamo ethnic group are trotting around the circle, blowing songs from time to time, and then they are struggling to jump up. Later, it was known that this was the prelude to the man's annual ritual of the primitive tribe - jumping cattle, which lasted nearly two hours.




Hamo women ran around in a circle, blowing songs on their mouths, and the silver bells tied to their feet were ringing in the waves. From time to time, they were still jumping in place, waving branches in their hands and so on.



I don't know the identity of this man. He's wearing strange clothes









At this time, the cattle were driven into the middle of the field Preparations for the "cattle jumping ceremony".




Hamo women are still running in circles





Data taken from the network two thousand and sixteen year eight month


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