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Old Street with Arab Style [Egypt Tour]

(2016-02-17 03:24:48)


Obsolete city appearance


Arab style

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Old street with Arab style Egypt Tour



            The street view here is the northern end of Helgeda, Egypt.

                At the gate of the hotel, after I called a taxi, when I looked at the meter on the car, I couldn't understand it. For example, I was blinded by the meter. As a result, I had to sign with the driver, but I didn't understand. In a flash of inspiration, I drew a dollar sign on the paper, added 10 words, pointed to the location on the map, and he understood.



                  When I got to the downtown, the driver wanted to stop. I saw the map and it was still at the south end of the city, so I motioned him to drive north again, and the driver would drive again until he reached the north end of the city. He said "STOP" and paid $10 for parking. We started our walking trip to Helgeda. This is an old city full of Arab customs. We walk through the streets.



It's strange for children to see us





The children are playing in the street





Little Fruit and Vegetable Shop







          There are many "unfinished" houses here. In Egypt, where our bus passes, most of them are hair germ rooms, or what we now call "uncompleted residential buildings". It is said that there is a law in Egypt that high taxes should be paid after the house is completed, so there are policies and countermeasures. Countless buildings will never be completed. Of course, there are also some projects that can only be suspended due to insufficient funds., Another theory is to have a son to build a layer, and to regenerate another layer. ha-ha.



              Don't think "uncompleted" is really "uncompleted". In fact, people live in these houses. But the appearance is very ugly, very ugly, and very dirty. In addition to the garbage on the road, the degree of dirt can really compete with India. Of course, there are no sacred cows and their feces on the roads in Egypt.


                                                                                                                                                                                                    Shot in December 2015


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