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Mediterranean coast [Egypt trip]

(2016-02-15 16:03:33)


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Mediterranean coast Egypt Tour



      Alexandria by the Mediterranean is very beautiful, completely different from other cities in Egypt, because it is close to the Mediterranean and Europe. The whole city is also European.

      On the way to the Summer Palace, I watched the beautiful scenery of Alexandria through the window, seized the opportunity to take pictures, and got some pictures that were slightly acceptable for bloggers to enjoy the beauty of the city.



        B.C three hundred and thirty-two This city was founded by Alexander I, King of Macedonia in Greece, and named after him as the capital. After BC three hundred and five To front thirty It became the capital of the Ptolemy dynasty in Egypt. At that time, it was the center of trade and cultural exchange between Mediterranean and eastern countries, attracting businessmen, scholars and poets from all over the world.



      But this famous city has only preserved a few ancient glories. seven After the Arabs entered in the 19th century, the city of Alexandria declined. nineteen In the early 20th century, Muhammad Ali set about rebuilding the city of Alexandria. The preferential trade policies, especially cotton, attracted a large number of foreigners. Alexandria is in twenty century fifty From the s to the golden age, he was vigorous and had frequent contacts with the world. Lawrence Darrell's "Alexandria Quartet" vividly described the atmosphere like the greenhouse in Alexandria.








      There are no ancient relics in Alexandria today. Both Greece and Rome are in the past, but they are still worth visiting. The lighthouse that used to illuminate the port was destroyed by the Muslim army eleven The earthquake of the 20th century caused the collapse, which has now disappeared.





        The most representative feature of the city is its Binhai Avenue, which extends from east to west along the coastal beach twenty-six Kilometers, the eastern end is the Montaza Palace (Summer Palace), and the western end is the Ras Eddin Palace (Winter Palace). Soft beach stretches along the sea thirty More than 1000 meters, most of the bathing beaches are concentrated here.




Data source network                                                                               Shot in December 2015


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