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Luxor City View [Egypt Tour]

(2016-02-16 03:29:08)


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Classification: Afrika

Luxor City View Egypt Tour



     Because it is a group tour, the theme is to go to the scenic spots. As for the appearance of the city, the travel agency is not responsible for it (except for the National Museum in Cairo, there is almost no access to the downtown area, because there is almost no view of the central area of Cairo on the bus). Therefore, I try my best to seize the opportunity to shoot in the car and leave an impression of each city.



      Luxor is an ancient city in Egypt. It is located on the east bank of the Nile River in the south and is about 50 meters away from Aswan in the south two hundred Km. altitude seventy-eight Meters. It is famous for the ruins of Thebes, the ancient capital of Egypt, and it is a collection place of ancient Thebes cultural relics. As a result of the war, many have been destroyed and annihilated. Now the famous Luxor Temple is well preserved, especially the Karnak Temple, which is the most complete and largest. The building was built on four thousand Many years ago, Ramses II and Ramses III were completed in the new dynasty.











Many bloggers read my blog's photos of Egyptian cities and asked me why so many houses in Egypt look old, with no paint on the exterior walls and no roof capping? When I went to Egypt, I brought a travel book about Egypt, which recorded what my diplomats in Egypt had seen and heard in Egypt. According to him, there are so many "uncompleted" houses in Egypt (we call them "uncompleted residential buildings") for three reasons. First, Egypt has laws and regulations that require a large amount of taxes and fees to be paid after the completion of houses. There are policies on the top and countermeasures on the bottom, forming a large number of houses that will never be completed. Second, the people who build houses are really short of money, so they can only stop working until they have money. The third is the Egyptian custom. When building a house, two floors were built. When a son was born, another floor was built; Create a new son and a new layer.






    Today Luxor is the largest open-air museum in the world, with Palace City The reputation of. The Nile runs through the city and divides it in two. Because the ancient Egyptians believed that human life, like the sun, rose in the east and set in the west, there were magnificent temples and vibrant residential areas on the east bank of the river, and tombs of pharaohs, queens and nobles on the west bank of the river. The Living City And City of the Dead Facing each other across the river, it forms an eternal circle of two worlds.





This is the shopping stand outside Karnak Temple

Data taken from the network                                                                           Photographed on two thousand and fifteen year twelve month


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