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 Ma Weidu
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Part 1319: The Troubleshooter -- The Second Retrospection of Beijing Dialect

(2015-12-23 17:00:46)

Old Paoer


Wang Shuo

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: 2015

The word "indomitable master" was originally the title of Wang Shuo's novels. At that time, I was surprised that he used the word "indomitable". There are two kinds of pronunciation of "playing main", one is non retroflex, the other is retroflex. It is also popular in the antique world to play with people who study or play things. The common vernacular in Beijing is not childlike and authentic. Another characteristic is that it is ambiguous, and outsiders have trouble listening to it.

Play is the embodiment of play. For example, the antique world is called "playmaker". For example, in early years, Beijing people asked you to pull over or leave, saying "play". In the same period as the playmaker, the Shanghai dialect is called "Bai Xiang Ren", which means "play". These two words have the same meaning. The main meaning of "playing the owner" is cynicism, playing, having sex, and playing tricks. Anyway, playing has an improper meaning in Beijing dialect, so Wang Shuo has a novel called "Nothing serious at all".

The player or player, like the old Paoer, refers to people under certain conditions. For example, the region, Xizhimen, and the railway station, Laopaoer; Another example is the field, the player who raises pigeons and the old Paoer in the skating rink; The players are big and small. Unlike Laopaoer, who refers to older people, they are sometimes called Laobi, which is very offensive. Therefore, Laopaoer is a bit of a compliment, while the player is relatively neutral. From Wang Shuo's novel "The Troubleshooter", we can see the original meaning of the playmaster. For the company and the country, Ge You and Liang Tian are the image spokesmen of the playmaster.

The playmaster will become a commendatory word in some specific characters or occasions, such as Mr. Wang Shixiang. Some people in the industry call him "an old playmaster" behind his back, and the implication is not ordinary people. As for Wang Shuo's game owner changed to "Troubleshooter", I think he looked up the dictionary, which has four meanings for the word "Troubleshooter", one , dull, indomitable; two , unswerving, stubborn, tenacious resistance; three , naughty, naughty; four , Play with. There is still a theoretical basis for Wang Shuo to change from playing to being stubborn. When he finished writing a novel, he named it with a dictionary. This is a classic example.

                                                                                                                  2015.12.14 night Guanfu Museum

Ma Weidu's online talk show "Watching Du Du"


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