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2 moves to help you eliminate abdominal fat

(2014-10-28 00:15:58)



reduce weight





Having fat on the abdomen is a headache for many friends, and a swimming circle will appear if you don't pay attention to it. Always thinking about how to thin the abdomen. It is impossible to lose weight by diet alone. We can do some twisting postures to improve the problem and make our posture more beautiful. Now, let's do two thin belly weight loss exercises together. Only 5 minutes a day, turn your body, and you can shape a beautiful posture!


Many people are not satisfied with their stomachs. As they grow older, their metabolic function slows down and worsens. Even if they eat less, their stomachs will not be flat. You can do some twisting postures, so that the abdomen can be easily massaged and the stiffness can be eliminated. In addition, it can also stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, so that the bowel function of the digestive system is normal, and people with backache can also improve their problems by action, so that their posture is more beautiful. So, from now on, whether you are sitting, lying or standing, turn your body together!


Now, use 2 yoga movements - boat pose and one foot twist to improve!

◎ Improve symptoms: fat accumulation in the lower abdomen/belly fat

◎ Moving parts:

Positive: Abdomen, outer thigh

Back: inside arm, side waist

Sitting Pose 1 Boat


   Exercise the waist/strengthen the back muscles

1. Sitting position, toe touching the ground

Sit on the mat, bend your knees, put your toes gently on the ground, place your hands behind your hips, keep your upper body as straight as possible, and look straight ahead.

Point's neck should not be pulled up, and it should be kept stable and relaxed.

Dwell time: 3-5 breaths


2. Keep your feet up

Slowly lift the soles of the feet off the ground, and do not lift the hands. Feel the strength of the abdominal muscles. After keeping the body stable, raise the lower legs of both feet. Then slowly release the hands on both sides of the lower legs, stay for 3-5 breaths, and pay attention not to shake the body.

Point's waist should be straight without hunchback, and his hands should be close to the ground to support his body.

You can do the same!

For people with large or thin tailbone, thick towels can be placed under the buttocks during practice to avoid discomfort caused by friction between vertebrae and the ground. They will also have less difficulty in movement and increase the degree of completion of the movement.

Sitting Pose 2 Single Leg Twist


   Soften abdominal visceral muscles/massage intestines and stomach

1. Sit with your right hand holding your left leg

Sit on the mat, straighten the right foot forward, bend the left foot and lean against the inside of the right knee, hold the left knee with the right hand, support the left hand behind the hip, and look forward.

Point should be upright, not hunched.

Dwell time: 3-5 breaths


2. Twist your body to the left

Turn the upper body straight to the left rear, look at the rear, confirm that the sitting bones on both sides are evenly seated on the mat, slowly lift the left hand towards the sky, stay for 3-5 breaths, and then practice on the other side.

Point straightens his left hand as far as possible to allow his body to stretch more.


   This can have more extension!

Some people will feel special pain in the waist or back when they twist, which is a normal phenomenon, because most people tend to use the same muscle when they work. You can extend both hands straight up to strengthen the strength of abdominal torsion, so that the muscles can move in different directions, balance and coordinate.


If you have no strength in your abdomen, you will hunch or shrug your shoulders. Remember to use force in your abdomen, and keep your body upright and twisting, so that you can really relax your back muscles and spine.    


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