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 Ye Jin Dynasty
Ye Jin Dynasty
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A special dish with the strongest effect of tonifying the kidney

(2014-07-03 05:44:31)

Kidney tonifying herb

Chinese chestnut


Chicken wings

Miscellaneous talk

Classification: Gender knowledge

 A special dish with the strongest effect of tonifying the kidney
      When it comes to tonifying the kidney, we usually focus on men. However, if a woman has kidney deficiency, she will suffer from mental fatigue, dark yellow face, insomnia, dreaminess, hair loss and many other symptoms. In addition, women with kidney deficiency will also lead to early aging.

Water corresponds to the kidney. If there are symptoms such as waist and knee weakness, edema, frequent urination, memory loss, susceptibility to wind chill, unprovoked massive hair loss, you need to nourish the kidney.

Kidney strongest time: 5~7 Hour; Kidney weakest time: 23~1 Hour; Key words of kidney strengthening: Tibet.

Soak hands and feet partially with hot water before going to bed, which can not only promote the circulation of the ends, but also help sleep.

Recommended food therapy —— Braised chicken wings with chestnuts


Chicken wing root three Pieces, chestnuts ( Namely Chinese chestnut )100g , Eggs one Rice wine, soy sauce, sugar, beer, flour, starch, onion, garlic and ginger.


one Prepare beer, soy sauce and sugar in a bowl and mix well; Peel the chestnuts for use. Draw a few lines on the chicken wing root one Pour in the seasoning according to the taste, and then put the chopped green onion, garlic and ginger into the pickle two Taste for hours;

two An egg is broken into egg liquid, and the flour and starch are prepared according to one one Pour it into the egg liquid in proportion, and then add water as appropriate. Basically, when picking up the noodle liquid with chopsticks, the liquid can flow down from the chopstick head, in a word, it should not be too thin; hold two The chicken wing root in is wrapped with the upper liquid;

three Heat the oil pan and fry the chicken wings; When all chicken wings are fried, drain the oil;

four Put a little oil in the pot, stir fry ginger, onion and garlic; Add chicken wings, stir fry for a few times, then pour in soy sauce for coloring, and pour in beer. The water surface is less than half of the chicken wings; Then add salt and sugar according to taste;

five Pour in one Medium peeled chestnuts, turn to low heat and simmer about fifteen Minutes to twenty Minute to make the batter of chicken wings absorb the soup; Remove the soup from the pot.

Efficacy: This dish can tonify the kidney and spleen, strengthen tendons and promote blood circulation.


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