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This index is at a new high

(2023-02-15 15:30:00)

David Ding



equity market

Miscellaneous talk

[Pre order Pre judgment Verification] Technically, two hidden dangers need to be solved when the pre shock is high: one is the deviation of volume and price, and the other is the deviation of MACD top. From the perspective of trading volume, the market continued to rebound today, but the trading volume could not keep up with it, and it has shrunk, which is a deviation between quantity and price. In the future, when the index is high (3310 points) before the impact, if the trading volume continues to shrink, or still can not stand on the "trillion", the trend of volume price deviation will not go far.

Judging from the MACD indicators, the CSI 2000 index has now triggered three levels of top deviations of 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 60 minutes. If the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index continues to shrink tomorrow, it will also form a 15 minute top deviation, indicating that the probability of adjustment is increasing. In case of adjustment, the adjustment pressure of the SSE 2000 index is greater than that of the main board. Because the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is only the top deviation of the 15 minute level, while the Guozheng 2000 has triggered the top deviation of the three levels.

[Today's trend] On February 15 (Wednesday), the market fluctuated and adjusted throughout the day. All three major indexes fell slightly, led by the GEM index. By the end of the day, the Shanghai Composite Index had fallen 0.39%, the Shenzhen Composite Index had fallen 0.25%, and the GEM Index had fallen 0.7%. The total turnover of the two markets was 937.3 billion yuan, an increase of 23.3 billion yuan over the 914 billion yuan of the previous trading day. On the basis of yesterday's contraction of 6.6%, Liangneng has expanded by 2.5% today.

In terms of sectors, ChatGPT, high voltage fast charging, East Digital West Computing, and ICT ranked first in terms of growth, while CRO, glyphosate, logistics, and salt lake lithium extraction ranked first in terms of decline. Individual stocks fell more than rose, and more than 2600 stocks in the two markets fell.

【 Funds 】 In recent days, the volume of the two markets has expanded and shrunk day by day. Although it has remained at the level of 900 billion, it is still a long way from leaving the "trillion" level. If we can't stand up to the "trillion", it's hard to break through the previous high.

Wind data shows that the net sales of northbound funds throughout the day were 1.864 billion yuan, including 1.859 billion yuan of Shanghai Stock Connect and 4.73 million yuan of Shenzhen Stock Connect.

Level-2 data shows that the main capital outflow of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today is 25.1 billion yuan, of which 12.9 billion yuan is the main capital outflow of Shanghai stock market and 12.2 billion yuan is the main capital outflow of Shenzhen stock market. The outflow of major orders decreased compared with yesterday.

Today, the main funds only flowed into the telecom operation sector and flowed out of the big financial, pharmaceutical and biological, chemical and other sectors, of which the big financial sector had a net outflow of 3.834 billion yuan.

In terms of individual stocks, Inspur Information went up and down with a net purchase of main funds of 894 million yuan, and iFLYTEK, BOE A, TCL Technology and others were among the top players in terms of net flow of main funds; The net sales of Orient Wealth exceeded 500 million yuan, and the net outflow of major funds such as China Merchants Bank, Chang'an Auto, and China Ping An ranked first.

[Future view] From the perspective of the moving average, the current short and middle line moving average (the 5th, 10th, 20th, 30th, 60th and half year lines) are all in a multi head arrangement. Only the annual line is still moving downward, which has a traction effect on the index. Fortunately, the downward rate of the annual line is decreasing, so we have to wait for time.

In terms of sub indexes, the CSI 2000 index is now the best performer and continues to record high today. The highest point of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index today is actually higher than yesterday. Yesterday it was 3293 points, and today it is 3296 points. The trading volume is also slightly enlarged. It can't stand at 3300 points, which is mainly due to the drag of Hong Kong shares. Hong Kong shares have fallen for 14 days, and today's decline has expanded. The main problem now is the GEM. Today, there is a large decline, indicating that there is capital outflow.

On a large scale, the trend of the science and technology innovation board is the weakest, still below the annual line. If the science and technology innovation board is to stand on the line of the previous year, the concept of the information innovation board and chip must be contributed. Recently, the trend of chip plate is good, which may lead the scientific innovation board to stand on the line of last year.

[Market opportunity] The index is depressed, but today the market hot spots are still emerging one after another. In particular, the market of technology stocks is still continuing, especially the resurgence of ChatGPT related concept stocks. From software to hardware, to application scenarios, there are funds active. Haitian Rui's trading limit hit a new record high in the last trading day, rising by 260% in 13 trading days, rising by 360%, rising by 6 boards in 7 days for Hongbo shares, and 3 boards in 5 days for computing direction and wave information, CPO direction Tongyu Communication 2 connecting board, data direction People's Network trading.

At the same time, concept stocks of charging piles continued to be active, with Tonghe Technology and Juhua Technology rising by more than 10%. According to Liang Changxin, spokesman of the National Energy Administration, the number of charging infrastructure in China will reach 5.2 million in 2022, up nearly 100% year on year. Liang Changxin said that China's charging market is showing a diversified development trend, and there are more than 3000 charging pile operators.

At present, there are 1.636 million charging piles in China. The sales of new energy vehicles are expected to continue to maintain a rapid growth trend in the next three years. There is room for further decline in the ratio of superimposed charging piles, and the demand for charging piles may explode. It is estimated that in 2025, the demand for new charging piles in China will exceed 7 million (4.3 times of the current population), and the corresponding market space of charging piles is expected to exceed 160 billion yuan.

Panel concept stocks rose in shock, and TCL Technology rose nearly 7%. Military stocks rose in the afternoon driven by the rebound of AVIC Avionics Survey, and aerospace power went up and down. The speculation of the above hot spots has siphoned the funds of other plates, and the funds of other plates have been lost. Pharmaceutical stocks adjusted throughout the day, led by CRO.

Note: The individual stocks cited in this article are only examples for analysis. The information and data are all based on the public media reports designated by the CSRC. I do not hold these stocks, nor do I recommend you to buy or sell them, but only analyze them for your reference. The stock market is risky, so investment should be cautious.


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