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It depends on the energy in the process of rushing high

(2023-02-13 15:30:00)

David Ding



equity market

Miscellaneous talk

[Pre market prediction verification] From the perspective of trend, if the two previous lows of 2885 and 3031 are connected into a trend line, the current market trend is still running above the trend line and there is still some distance from the trend line. From the perspective of the moving average, the market is still operating above the annual line, and has been operating for nearly half a month. Although it will take some time for the annual line to turn upward, But as long as it runs above the annual line, it is a good thing. Therefore, although the short-term line is in the adjustment pattern, the midline trend is still good.

[Today's trend] On February 13 (Monday), the market surged throughout the day, with both the Shenzhen Composite Index and the GEM Index rising more than 1%. By the end of the day, the Shanghai Index had risen 0.72%, the Shenzhen Composite Index had risen 1.14%, and the GEM Index had risen 1.1%. The total turnover of the two markets was 979.1 billion yuan, an increase of 86.3 billion yuan over the previous trading day's 892.8 billion yuan. On the basis of last Friday's contraction of 0.9%, Liangneng has expanded by 9.7% today.

In terms of sectors, beverage manufacturing, CPO, food processing, high-pressure fast charging and other sectors led the increase, while aquaculture, banking, shipping, coal and other sectors led the decline. Individual stocks rose more than fell, and more than 3300 stocks in both cities rose.

【 Funds 】 Although the trading volume of the two cities has increased by nearly 10% today, it is still a breath away from the trillion yuan. To continue to rebound, we still need to return to the "trillion".

Wind data shows that the northbound capital bought a net 692 million yuan throughout the day, including 537 million yuan from Shanghai Stock Connect and 156 million yuan from Shenzhen Stock Connect. Although the net buying is not much, it is better than the net selling last Friday. The market still needs the contribution of Beijing Capital to continue to rebound.

Level-2 data shows that the net inflow of the main capital of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today is 3.07 billion yuan, including 2.08 billion yuan of the main capital of Shanghai stock market and 990 million yuan of the main capital of Shenzhen stock market. Today, the main large orders finally synchronized with foreign capital, and there was a long lost net inflow.

Today, the main funds flowed into construction machinery, big finance, securities and other sectors, and flowed out of coal, real estate, electrical machinery and other sectors, of which the construction machinery sector had a net inflow of 1.955 billion yuan.

In terms of individual stocks, Sany Heavy Industry rose sharply, with a net purchase of 1.266 billion yuan of main funds. Guizhou Moutai, Inspur Information, Luzhou Laojiao and others were among the first to receive a net flow of main funds; The net sales of Unisplendor Guowei exceeded 300 million yuan, and the net outflow of major funds such as Industrial Bank, Nanwei Software and Shanshan Co., Ltd. ranked first.

[Future view] Yesterday I analyzed and pointed out that the market as a whole is still OK at present, and the daily+weekly line is still in the form of attack. There will be no accident next week, and it is still possible to challenge the previous 3310 points. However, if the challenge of 3100 points is successful, there is little room for further improvement. It is also possible that the February market will end. As for the market in March, I used to be cautious, but now I am also cautious, and my opinion has not changed. In a word, there may be a final surge in the market in February.

Today is "Red Monday", so the rate is likely to rise this week, and it is expected to challenge 3310 points according to my prediction. And today's red Monday came in the overnight decline of the US stock market. It was not easy to resist the external pressure. However, because the trading volume is still unable to stand on the "trillion", there are still hidden dangers in the market.

If we stand at "Trillion" tomorrow, we will be more likely to challenge again, or even stand at 3310 points. At the same time, we should pay close attention to when the trading volume will rise and fall, because the index tends to follow the trading volume. On the first trading day of the Year of the Rabbit, a total of 1062.1 billion yuan was transacted in the two markets. If this volume cannot be reached this week, the index will reach a new high. This is a typical deviation between volume and price.

[Market opportunity] Today's market opportunities continue to focus on consumer stocks, which is the same as last Friday. Today, liquor and food are leading the way. In addition, construction machinery and cement stocks rose sharply, and most of the stocks in these two sectors were at low positions. ChatGPT concept stocks also strengthened again in the afternoon, led by CPO.

After two consecutive weeks of gains in technology stocks, this week will usher in a relatively large shock. Because of the limited funds in the market, there will be a "high and low switch", which will drive the market to rise and fall. So you can make a high throw at this position. To be specific, if you want to follow institutions, it is the market of "drinking and taking medicine". Both foreign capital and public funds like this. If you want to follow hot money, you must pay attention to the digital economy.

Note: The individual stocks cited in this article are only examples for analysis. The information and data are all based on the public media reports designated by the CSRC. I do not hold these stocks, nor do I recommend you to buy or sell them, but only analyze them for your reference. The stock market is risky, so investment should be cautious.


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