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 David Ding
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Continue to increase the volume to break the top deviation trend

(2023-02-01 15:30:00)

David Ding



equity market

Miscellaneous talk

[Pre order Pre judgment Verification] From the perspective of trading volume, yesterday's trillion yuan is also a recent "sky high", which is in line with the law. The next high will be 1062.1 billion yuan from yesterday's "Tianliang". I believe that after a few days of downsizing adjustment, February will have a chance to move towards the peak, because this is just a short-term peak, not the peak in Q1. I think the peak in Q1 will appear in February.

[Today's trend] On February 1 (Wednesday), the market rose in shock throughout the day, led by the GEM index. By the end of the day, the Shanghai Composite Index had risen 0.9%, the Shenzhen Composite Index had risen 1.31%, and the GEM Index had risen 1.27%. The total turnover of the two cities was 1004.6 billion yuan, an increase of 104.4 billion yuan over the previous trading day's 900.2 billion yuan. On the basis of 15.2% contraction yesterday, the volume of energy has increased by 11.6% today.

In terms of sectors, ChatGPT, small metals, ICT, AI and other sectors were among the top gainers, while hotels, airports and a few other sectors fell. Individual stocks rose more than fell. More than 4200 individual stocks rose in the two markets, and nearly 100 stocks rose by 10% or more.

【 Funds 】 The trading volume has increased and decreased in recent days. Today, it has returned to more than trillion yuan. It seems that trillion yuan is the normal state in the Year of the Rabbit, and the days below trillion yuan will be fewer and fewer. After all, the scale of the two cities is already huge.

Wind data shows that the capital from North North came into the market in the afternoon and bought 6.974 billion yuan in the whole day, adding A shares for 16 consecutive days; Among them, Shanghai Stock Connect net purchased 3.102 billion yuan and Shenzhen Stock Connect net purchased 3.872 billion yuan.

Level-2 data shows that the main capital inflow of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today is 5.3 billion yuan, of which the main capital inflow of Shanghai stock market is 470 million yuan, and the main capital inflow of Shenzhen stock market is 4.83 billion yuan. The main large order finally appeared a long lost inflow.

[Future view] There was no "good start" on the first trading day after the Spring Festival. Today is the first day of February, but there was a "good start". In a rising market (including a wave of large-scale rebound market), on the first day of each month, the approximate rate is rising, which is also a rule of A-share.

The high 3310 on the first trading day after the festival is a short-term high. From the 60 minute chart, it has been adjusted for 10 hours to the last hour this morning. In the afternoon, with the efforts of Beijing Capital, the main domestic capital also began to flow in, the market stopped falling and recovered, ending the short-term callback at the hour level. But tomorrow there will be a trend of top deviation at the 30 minute and 60 minute levels, so the rebound will not be achieved overnight, and the peak 3310 on the first day after the festival will not be broken immediately.

It was also said yesterday that if we want to break 3310 points, we need to break through the 10621 trading volume on the first day after the festival, so we cannot shrink tomorrow, and the shrinking will not break the top deviation trend. That is to say, we can break the top deviation trend only by continuing to increase the volume.

The gap of the first trading day after the festival was filled yesterday, and the gap of the last trading day before the festival was filled today, leaving 5 points. The same is true for the GEM, where the gap on the last trading day before the festival also left one point unfilled. Only the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index and Shanghai Stock Exchange 50 have made up the gap on the last trading day before the festival. In other words, these two indexes (CSI 300 Index and SSE 50 Index) have the weakest trend recently. Reason: To fill the gap is weak, and not to fill the gap is strong.

Why bother to analyze the strength of each index? It is to help us identify who is the strong and who is the weak in the current market. If we identify the strong, we can follow suit. From this point of view, the SSE 2000 index is the strongest in the market at present, and no gap has been filled. Today, it continues to hit a new high, which is expected to challenge the high of 8869 last August. See the following figure:

 Continue to increase the volume to break the top deviation trend

Similar indexes include CSI 1000. What individual stocks do these indexes contain? You can look at the F10 data. It is very simple. If you use two words to summarize it, it is "small ticket", that is, the scale is small and the liquidity is good.

[Market opportunity] The adjustment of the previous two days is still acceptable for individual stocks. From the picture just now, the "big to small" of individual stocks has begun, and small notes are theme stocks. Today, the hot spots in the market rotate rapidly among sectors. In the morning, cycle stocks such as nonferrous metals saw a strong opening. Then the AI concept stocks continued to be active, led by ChatGPT concept stocks. In the afternoon, the concept stock of digital economy strengthened, and the stock of securities traders changed at the end of the day.

Due to the change of securities traders at the end of today's trading day, we must pay attention to the fluctuation of securities traders' shares. After all, securities traders are the flag bearer of the bull market. In the bull market, the fluctuation of securities traders' shares is a matter of great probability. Value stocks have gone up too much, focusing on theme stocks and track stocks, with theme stocks as the main and track stocks as the auxiliary.

Note: The individual stocks cited in this article are only examples for analysis. The information and data are all based on the public media reports designated by the CSRC. I do not hold these stocks, nor do I recommend you to buy or sell them, but only analyze them for your reference. The stock market is risky, so investment should be cautious.


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