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If you can't stand on the 60 day line, it will fall back

(2022-12-26 15:30:00)

David Ding



equity market

Miscellaneous talk

[Pre market pre judgment verification] If the market stops falling and rebounds on Monday, it cannot be recovered temporarily. As the end of the year is approaching and Beijing Capital is not working on Monday and Tuesday, the trading volume will not be released, so even if it rebounds, it will continue to bottom out after the rebound. Observe the trend of Beijing Capital on Wednesday and Thursday after it comes out, see what they are buying, and then decide when to buy gold and what kinds of products to arrange for next year's market.

[Trend today] On December 26 (Monday), the market opened high all day and then rose in shock, led by the GEM index. By the end of the day, the Shanghai Composite Index had risen 0.65%, the Shenzhen Composite Index had risen 1.19%, and the GEM Index had risen 1.98%. The turnover of the two markets was 624.3 billion yuan, an increase of 38.9 billion yuan over the 585.4 billion yuan of the previous trading day. On the basis of shrinking by 11% last Friday, Liangneng has expanded by 6.6% today.

In terms of sectors, TOPCON battery, hotel, POE film, integrated die casting and other sectors led the increase, while education, real estate development, ursodeoxycholic acid, anti-virus fabrics and other sectors led the decline. Individual stocks rose more than fell, and more than 3600 individual stocks in the two markets rose.

【 Funds 】 The market turnover continued to be low, but last Wednesday's 574.7 billion yuan was basically a phased "land volume", and last Friday's low point of 3031 was a phased "land price".

Northbound Shanghai Stock Connect and Shenzhen Stock Connect will continue to suspend trading today and tomorrow; It will be opened as usual on Wednesday, December 28.

Level-2 data shows that the main capital outflow of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today is 4.3 billion yuan, of which the main capital outflow of Shanghai stock market is 1.3 billion yuan, and the main capital outflow of Shenzhen stock market is 2 billion yuan. The outflow of large orders decreased significantly compared with last Friday.

Today, the main funds flowed into the banking, electrical machinery, paper making and other sectors, and flowed out of the pharmaceutical biology, traditional Chinese medicine, real estate and other sectors, of which the pharmaceutical biology sector had a net outflow of 1.985 billion.

In terms of individual stocks, Sungrow Power rose sharply, with a net purchase of main funds of 368 million yuan, and the net flow of main funds of Merrill Cloud, China Pharmaceutical, Cross Border Access and others ranked first; Zhongsheng Pharmaceutical was sold nearly 300 million yuan net, and the net outflow of major funds such as Ping An, Shaanxi Jinye and Guizhou Maotai ranked first.

[Future view] On Monday, the market chose to rebound first. The "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" index (GEM and science and technology innovation board) is stronger than the main board, the track stocks rebounded collectively, and the photovoltaic and energy storage concept stocks set off a rising tide. The semiconductor plate strengthened in shock. Today's rebound is an oversold rebound. It can be seen from the trading volume that after the market continued to fall, the trend confidence was lacking in both the long and short directions.

Domestic institutions took advantage of foreign capital's market closure to make a replenishment. However, it failed to stand on the 60 day line, so don't catch up with today's market rebound. There is still pressure near the 60 day line. There will be a low point on Wednesday and Thursday this week. The best buying point is not today. When the Hong Kong stock market opens on Wednesday, as long as there is no big decline in the Hong Kong stock market, it is hoped that a time window for the end of adjustment will appear before New Year's Day.

Judging from the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, the negative line of last Thursday has not recovered, so it is difficult to turn the trend, and it will fall back if it cannot stand on the 60 day line. However, as long as the trading volume does not shrink, the low point of 3031 last Friday has a great support, so it is still a golden opportunity to suck down. Now, due to "masks" and festivals, it is difficult to recover the turnover to "trillion".

[Market opportunity] Hotel tourism stocks rose sharply today. New Year's Day is coming, and many tourist attractions will also welcome the first batch of tourists in 2023. With the continuous optimization and adjustment of the epidemic prevention and control policy, the hot domestic long-term tourism destinations began to accelerate their recovery. Ctrip released a report that, as the first small and long holiday after the liberalization of epidemic prevention and control, the proportion of trans provincial tourism on New Year's Day in 2023 had reached nearly 60%, steadily increasing compared with the mid autumn small and long holiday in 2022, and increasing by 34% compared with the New Year's Day in 2022.

Less than a month after the Spring Festival transportation started this year, with the first release of the mobility of business travelers, the New Year and Spring Festival will usher in a significant increase in the flow of family visits and vacations, and the traditional winter ice and snow travel, warm winter travel and other consumer markets are also expected to usher in a substantial recovery. The agency believes that with the negative impact of the current round of epidemic or the last painful period before the recovery, with the gradual easing of the peak of the current round of epidemic, the cultural tourism market is expected to show a significant recovery trend from next spring.

Relevant stocks in the tourism sector: Zhongxin Tourism (002707), Qujiang Cultural Tourism 600706), CYTS (600138), Sante Cableway (002159).

Note: The individual stocks cited in this article are only examples for analysis. The information and data are all based on the public media reports designated by the CSRC. I do not hold these stocks, nor do I recommend you to buy or sell them, but only analyze them for your reference. The stock market is risky, so investment should be cautious.


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