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The date of the counterattack has been set. It's next week

(2022-12-23 15:30:00)

David Ding



equity market

Miscellaneous talk

[Pre market pre judgment verification] In the first two weeks, American and Hong Kong stocks rose sharply, while A-shares rose slightly. Today, American and Hong Kong stocks rose sharply, while A-shares fell. The trend of A-share is obviously different from that of American and Hong Kong stocks, and the weak characteristics of A-share bear market are more obvious. If it continues to shrink tomorrow, it is doubtful that 3000 points can be held.

[Today's trend] On December 23 (Friday), the three major indexes continued to adjust. In the morning, they collectively rose and turned red, and then fell in shock. By the end of the day, the Shanghai Composite Index had fallen 0.28%, the Shenzhen Composite Index had fallen 0.25%, and the GEM Index had fallen 0.4%. The turnover of the two markets was 585.4 billion yuan, a decrease of 72.1 billion yuan from the 657.5 billion yuan of the previous trading day. On the basis of yesterday's 14.4% amplification, the volume has shrunk by 11% today.

The industry sector saw less growth and more decline, while the education sector saw a sharp rise, with medical equipment, cultural media, and communication services leading the rise, and semiconductor, automobile, and textile and clothing sectors leading the decline. Individual stocks fell more than rose, and more than 2600 individual stocks were green.  

【 Funds 】 The turnover of the market continues to be low, and today it has shrunk by more than 10%. The total value of the two cities is less than 600 billion yuan, which is more than 574.7 billion yuan the day before yesterday, but whether the 574.7 billion yuan the day before yesterday is "land size" needs to be confirmed next week.

Due to the arrival of the Christmas holiday in Hong Kong, the trading of Beixiang Shanghai Stock Connect and Shenzhen Stock Connect was suspended from December 23 (Friday) to December 27 (Tuesday); It will be opened as usual on Wednesday, December 28.

Level-2 data shows that the main capital outflow of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today is 24.8 billion yuan, of which 10.7 billion yuan is the main capital outflow of Shanghai stock market and 14.1 billion yuan is the main capital outflow of Shenzhen stock market. The outflow of large orders is more than 10% less than yesterday.

[Future view] Although today is a positive line, the three major indexes still fall, so today is a false positive line. This week, the index fell for five consecutive days, hitting a new low every day. Today, the index hit a new low on Friday, but it still did not break 3000 points. If there is no good weekend, then we will not rule out breaking 3000 points next week and then pulling up again. The so-called "no break, no stand" means, There is no space upward, only downward.

From the perspective of trading volume yesterday, I thought that as long as the volume continues to increase today, the 574.7 billion yuan of yesterday would be the "land volume", and the 3044 point of today would be the land price. Unfortunately, there is no volume today, so whether 574.7 billion yuan is a "land amount" needs to be confirmed next week. If the land amount continues to appear next week, it is not ruled out that it will fall below 3000 points next week.

The negative drop is terrible. It is not ruled out that there will be a sharp drop next week. It is also possible to fall below 3000 points. Today, Beijing Capital took a break, and the main force of domestic capital did not dare to rush up. There is no end to the overcast fall. When is the head falling? It is expected to stop the decline and recover near 3000 points next Friday at the latest. At that time, the capital from North China will re flow in, and the ranking of domestic public and private funds will be basically implemented, which needs to be laid out for next year, and the market after New Year's Day will be optimistic.

[Market opportunity] Today, the education sector continues to be strong, the digital economy concept stocks are strong again, the media sector is up, and the medical sector is active; However, the consumer sector retreated collectively, the automotive industry chain weakened, and track stocks such as photovoltaic and semiconductor fell across the board.

The medical informatization industry is expected to face a reversal in 2023 under the favorable policies. Since October, the medical informatization index has rebounded from a year low of 7488 points to 9622 points, and the sector index has rebounded nearly 28.5% in two months. It can be seen that some funds have taken the lead in entering the market.

In terms of specific companies, the leading medical informatization enterprises in the post epidemic era are expected to take the lead in delivering their performance next year with the favorable policy. IDC data shows that Donghua Group currently occupies 13.3% of the market, ranking first; Weining Health follows closely; Entrepreneurial Wellcome and Sichuang Healthcare accounted for 6.4% and 4.8% respectively, ranking fourth and fifth. The demand for downstream orders squeezed by the epidemic in the early stage of such leading enterprises and the delayed promotion of projects may be gradually recognized as revenue next year.

Note: The individual stocks cited in this article are only examples for analysis. The information and data are all based on the public media reports designated by the CSRC. I do not hold these stocks, nor do I recommend you to buy or sell them, but only analyze them for your reference. The stock market is risky, so investment should be cautious.


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