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Growth Enterprise Market bottoms out and picks up, the main line is still big consumption

(2022-12-15 15:30:00)

David Ding



equity market

Miscellaneous talk

[Pre market pre judgment verification] The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has made up the gap on December 5 as scheduled, shrinking for three consecutive days and shifting its focus downward, so the next step is to test the 20 day line. The current trend of the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" index is hard to see. In particular, the science and technology innovation board index has gone out of the "overcast and overcast" pattern today. The daily MACD is the "inverted duck's beak" trend after the failure of Jincha, which indicates that there is still the possibility of bottoming out, probably falling below the low point on November 28. Although the trend of GEM is a little better than that of the science and technology innovation board, it is also a backwater, and the rate is likely to fall below the 60 day line.

[Trend today] On December 15 (Thursday), the trend of the three major indexes was divided throughout the day. The Shanghai index was adjusted in shock, the GEM index rose by more than 1% in shock, and the Ningde Times rose by 5%. By the end of the day, the Shanghai Composite Index had fallen 0.25%, the Shenzhen Composite Index had risen 0.32%, and the GEM Index had risen 1.31%. The turnover of the two markets was 766.2 billion yuan, down 44.7 billion yuan from 810.9 billion yuan on the previous trading day. On the basis of shrinking for three consecutive days, Liangneng continued to shrink by 5.5% today.

In terms of sectors, Chiplet, integrated die-casting, automobile, data rights confirmation and other sectors led the increase, while food processing, hotel tourism, precious metals, airports and other sectors led the decline. Individual stocks rose more than fell, and more than 2700 individual stocks in the two markets rose.

【 Funds 】 After the one-day trip of "trillion yuan" last Friday, the volume has shrunk for four consecutive days this week. Today, the total volume of the two cities is less than 800 billion yuan, and the market popularity continues to be depressed.

Wind data shows that the northbound capital net bought 4.936 billion yuan for the whole day, and net bought for two consecutive days.

Level-2 data shows that the main capital outflow of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today is 13.096 billion yuan, accounting for 1.71%; The net outflow of large orders was 9.622 billion yuan, accounting for 1.26%; The net inflow of small order funds was 16.052 billion yuan, accounting for 2.09%.

Today, the main capital flows into the automobile, traditional Chinese medicine, agricultural planting and other sectors, and the net outflow from the big financial, medical and biological, non-ferrous metal and other sectors, of which the net outflow from the big financial sector exceeds 1.7 billion.

In terms of individual stocks, Zhongsheng Pharmaceutical rose sharply, with a net purchase of 762 million yuan as the main capital. China Pharmaceutical, Tongfu Microelectronics, North Huachuang and others were among the top players in the net flow of main capital; The net sales of ST Market exceeded 300 million yuan, and the net outflow of major funds such as Oriental Fortune, China Ping An and Yiling Pharmaceutical ranked first.

[Future view] The "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" index reached its target as scheduled today, that is, the science and technology innovation board index fell below the low point on November 28, and the GEM fell below the 60 day line. After a short period of decline, the GEM rose 1.31% and the Science and Technology Innovation Board rose 0.51% today. Compared with the increase of the Shanghai index, the "entrepreneurship and innovation" index does have a demand for compensation. At the same time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is close to the 20 day line as scheduled today.

Last night, the Federal Reserve decided to raise interest rates by 50 basis points, slowing down the pace, so the GEM index, the leading indicator, took the lead in rising. I still think that the impact of the US interest rate hike on A-shares is diminishing, and the trend of A-shares still depends on the expectation of future economic recovery and "stable growth". However, the "entrepreneurship and innovation" index took the lead in stopping the decline and rebounding today, which also indicates that the adjustment of the main board is also nearing the end.

[Market opportunity] My article at the weekend highlighted that consumer stocks, including tourism stocks, benefited from epidemic prevention and control, are still spreading. So next week we should focus on big consumption. With the continuous optimization of epidemic prevention and control policies and the approaching of the Spring Festival consumption peak season at the end of the year, many places have actively introduced consumption stimulating policies. Therefore, big consumer stocks have attracted the continued attention of funds from the north. This week, they once again significantly bought nearly 6 billion yuan in the food and beverage industry, nearly 3.2 billion yuan in the household appliances industry, and more than 1 billion yuan in real estate, medicine and biology and other sectors.

Yesterday, I continued to point out that "the main line of market sustainability is big consumption, which is related to the control of the epidemic, and there are traces of institutional participation".

On today's news page, the highest level sent:

 Growth Enterprise Market bottoms out and picks up, the main line is still big consumption

The Outline proposes that we should adhere to the problem orientation, focus on promoting high-quality development, and deploy key tasks to implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand in response to the major problems faced by China's medium and long-term expansion of domestic demand, especially the difficulties such as insufficient effective supply capacity, large distribution gap, low modernization of the circulation system, imperfect consumption system and mechanism, and the need to optimize the investment structure. Accelerate the cultivation of a complete domestic demand system, promote the formation of a strong domestic market, and support the smooth domestic economic cycle.

The Outline also puts forward requirements in terms of comprehensively promoting consumption, accelerating consumption upgrading, optimizing investment structure, expanding investment space, promoting coordinated development between urban and rural areas and regions, releasing domestic demand potential, improving supply quality, and driving demand to better realize.

There are many branches in the big consumption, and these branches will take turns to perform. Today, the automobile industry chain and logistics sectors are rising, and the real estate stocks are changing at the end of the day. However, food tourism is in adjustment, so the key is to grasp the rhythm.

Recently, China Telecom Guangdong Company joined hands with Huawei to create 5G intelligent warehousing and logistics solutions for Shenzhen Today International Logistics Technology Co., Ltd. by using innovative 5G deterministic network solutions.

Intelligent warehousing and intelligent logistics are the core of supply chain logistics. They are mainly used to realize the automation, informatization and intellectualization of enterprise production process through automated electronic control system technology, and are used for the whole process transportation management of specialized high-density warehouse materials. The intelligent warehousing and logistics industry has broad prospects under the development trend of high-end manufacturing.

Pay attention to two types of enterprises, one is the intelligent warehousing and logistics manufacturers with strong original software R&D strength, the other is the enterprises that were originally good at warehousing and logistics hardware equipment, and then gradually grow into intelligent system solution providers. Relevant individual stocks: Xinning Logistics (300013), Audio Storage (603066), Shunfeng Holdings (002352), Ka Shing International (603535)

Note: The individual stocks cited in this article are only examples for analysis. The information and data are all based on the public media reports designated by the CSRC. I do not hold these stocks, nor do I recommend you to buy or sell them, but only analyze them for your reference. The stock market is risky, so investment should be cautious.


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