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Rising relay stars, focus on a hot spot

(2022-12-08 15:30:00)

David Ding



equity market

Miscellaneous talk

[Pre market pre judgment verification] Technically, the return of the top of the macd in the market after 30 minutes of departure from the dead fork was expected, and the decline was shrinking, indicating that the market selling gradually declined, the support near the 5-day moving average was still effective, and the funds from the north continued to flow in slightly, with no signs of escape, so the overall market return space was limited, and the gap below this Monday was still not covered. There is also a gap left on December 1 below the GEM. The gap is not filled, and the rebound still exists. However, mass entrepreneurship and innovation is also a one leg trend. The GEM has become stronger as scheduled, but the science and technology innovation board has not moved.

[Trend today] On December 8 (Thursday), the market opened low all day and then fluctuated in a narrow range, with three major indexes all falling slightly. By the end of the day, the Shanghai Composite Index had fallen 0.07%, the Shenzhen Composite Index had fallen 0.25%, and the GEM Index had fallen 0.09%. The turnover of the two markets was 869.9 billion yuan, 78.8 billion yuan less than the 948.7 billion yuan of the previous trading day. On the basis of shrinking for two consecutive days, Liangneng continued to shrink by 8.3% today.

In terms of sectors, ursodeoxycholic acid, cross-border e-commerce, tourism, retail and other sectors were among the top gainers, while chicken breeding, supply and marketing cooperatives, state-owned assets cloud, and ICT were among the top losers. Individual stocks fell more than rose, and more than 3100 stocks in the two markets fell.

【 Funds 】 The trading volume has shrunk for three consecutive days, which is still a consolidation. The "trillion" on last Thursday and this Monday is a one-day tour, and the market popularity is still hesitating.

Wind data shows that northbound funds bought a small net amount of 114 million yuan throughout the day, including 836 million yuan of net sales of Shanghai Stock Connect and 949 million yuan of net purchases of Shenzhen Stock Connect.

Level-2 data shows that the main capital outflow of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today is 29.3 billion yuan, of which the main capital outflow of Shanghai stock market is 10.6 billion yuan, and the main capital outflow of Shenzhen stock market is 18.7 billion yuan. The major orders of the two cities are still net outflows, with the amount of outflows increasing by 7 billion yuan over yesterday.

Today, the main funds flowed into real estate, banks, ports and other sectors, and flowed out of medicine and biology, traditional Chinese medicine, big finance and other sectors, of which the net outflow of medicine and biology was 4.362 billion.

In terms of individual stocks, Vanke A rose sharply, with a net purchase of 428 million of main funds. N Crystal, Fosun Pharmaceuticals, Longji Green Energy and others were among the first to receive a net flow of main funds; Yiling Pharmaceutical was sold more than 1.8 billion yuan, and Hengrui Pharmaceutical, ST Daji, Guizhou Bailing and other major capital net outflows ranked first.

[Future view] The three major indexes of the two cities all fluctuate above the gap, and the gap is not filled in the adjustment process, which is still a strong shock type. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index closed a small cross star above the half year line, and the sharp rise of the Hong Kong stock market has a positive driving effect on A-share blue chips.

Technically, the market has entered a 60 minute level of shock adjustment due to the delay in rising. In addition, the trading volume has shrunk, so the adjustment time needs to be extended. The main large orders continue to flow out, mainly because the end of the year is approaching, and institutions (including public funds) need to be ranked, so there will be no big market here. However, the capital from the north keeps flowing in. Although the inflow is not large, the overall market selling pressure is relatively light within the normal range, and the mood is stable (there are not many drop stop stocks). Therefore, it is a high probability event that the market turns upward again after full shocks above the line for half a year.

Therefore, today's K-line pattern should be a small cross of rising relay. As for whether the gap at the bottom should be covered, there is no need to tangle. It is normal to leave 2-3 gaps in the process of rising. As long as individual stocks are fully adjusted, they can be absorbed in batches.

[Market opportunity] Today, the hot spots in the market are messy, and the rotation is fast. Cross border e-commerce concept stocks broke out collectively, pharmaceutical stocks rose and fell in the afternoon, and tourism stocks changed late. In terms of decline, relevant sectors of the digital economy adjusted collectively.

The activity of cross-border e-commerce benefits from the multiple advantages. On the news side, the first China Arab Summit will be held soon. It is reported that this summit is the largest and highest standard diplomatic action of China towards the Arab world since the founding of New China. The holding of the first China Arab Summit is a milestone in the history of China Arab relations and will push China Arab cooperation to a new height. In addition, recently, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Guangdong, Suzhou and other places have organized foreign trade enterprises to charter commercial flights overseas to expand the international market, and charter flights overseas to grab orders to help foreign trade enterprises go global.

The retail sector was active. The Comprehensive Group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council issued the Measures for Further Optimizing the Implementation of the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic, which defined and managed risk areas, nucleic acid testing, isolation methods, guaranteed the demand of people for medical treatment and drug purchase, vaccinated the elderly, managed the health of key groups, and ensured the normal operation of society Epidemic related safety assurance and school epidemic prevention and control work put forward further optimization requirements. The prevention and control of the epidemic situation has been further relaxed, and the market expects the recovery of the retail industry. On the trend of the plate, the recent continuous large-scale rise has the momentum to continue to rise, but the short-term cumulative increase has been large, so it is not appropriate to catch up here.

The capital inflow of the real estate sector ranks first. Recently, the "three arrows" supporting the financing of real estate enterprises have been successively landed, releasing good news and enhancing investors' confidence in real estate enterprises. On the plate trend, the 5-day and 10 day moving averages were recovered today, and the rising trend of the midline was maintained well, so we continue to pay attention.  

In terms of operation strategy, the overall focus is on bargain hunting, focusing on the blue chip varieties that have stepped back sufficiently in the recent market.

Note: The individual stocks cited in this article are only examples for analysis. The information and data are all based on the public media reports designated by the CSRC. I do not hold these stocks, nor do I recommend you to buy or sell them, but only analyze them for your reference. The stock market is risky, so investment should be cautious.


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