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Large cap stocks have been set up. Next, watch the small cap stocks sing

(2022-12-06 15:30:00)

David Ding



equity market

Miscellaneous talk

[Pre market pre judgment verification] The positive line of Shanghai Stock Exchange Index on Monday indicates that the weekly line of this week is also probably positive. Moreover, there was another gap on Monday. In addition to the gap on November 29, the gap is strong if not filled. It is estimated that it will be difficult to fill the gap on November 29 this year. But now it is obviously the continuation of the "28" market, and I don't think it will last.

Technically, the probability of effectively standing at the first half of the year is relatively high, and the future market is expected to maintain a strong trend and continue to rise towards the upper year line. The first half of the year's line does not mean anything. The last year's line (and the line is required to return to the top) is the technical entry into the bull market. It is not yet. Don't be happy too early.

[Trend today] On December 6 (Tuesday), the market opened low all day and then rebounded. The three major indexes rose slightly, and the GEM index was relatively strong. By the end of the day, the Shanghai Composite Index had risen 0.02%, the Shenzhen Composite Index had risen 0.67%, and the GEM Index had risen 0.68%. The two markets traded 998.2 billion yuan, a decrease of 56.9 billion yuan from 1055.1 billion yuan the previous trading day. On the basis of yesterday's 22% amplification, the volume of energy has shrunk by 5.4% today.

In terms of sectors, retail, supply and marketing cooperatives, semiconductors, logistics and other sectors led the increase, while pharmaceutical commerce, antigen detection, data elements, oil and gas and other sectors led the decline. Individual stocks fell more than rose, and more than 3200 individual stocks in the two markets fell.

【 Funds 】 Today's trading volume fell back to below "trillion", which is a shrinking consolidation, and the volume price coordination is still in the normal range. The "trillion" last Thursday and Monday are one-day tours, and the market popularity is still hesitating.

Wind data shows that northbound funds bought a small net amount of 540 million yuan throughout the day, adding A-shares for six consecutive days; Among them, Shanghai Stock Connect sold 712 million yuan and Shenzhen Stock Connect bought 1252 million yuan.

Level-2 data shows that the main capital outflow of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today is 29.1 billion yuan, of which the main capital outflow of Shanghai stock market is 13.4 billion yuan, and the main capital outflow of Shenzhen stock market is 15.7 billion yuan. The main large orders in both cities had net outflows.

Today, the main capital net flows into commercial retail, chemical industry, agricultural planting and other sectors, and net outflow from pharmaceutical biology, traditional Chinese medicine, big finance and other sectors, of which the net outflow from pharmaceutical biology is 5.352 billion.

In terms of individual stocks, Wuliangye rose, with a net purchase of 923 million of main funds, and Jingshan Light Machinery, Jiugui Liquor, Dagang Shares, etc. were among the first to receive a net flow of main funds; China Unicom was sold more than 700 million yuan, and the net outflow of major funds such as Yiling Pharmaceutical, PetroChina Capital and Guodian Power ranked first.

[Future view] Today's market is basically around 3200 points to sort out the trend. Yesterday's strong Chinese characters and financial stocks took a break, while track stocks and technology stocks were active and active, which made Shenzhen's market performance stronger, but individual stocks still fell more. The GEM is stronger than the market. From the perspective of the time-sharing line, the GEM's yellow and white lines diverge significantly, with the white line high above, indicating that the weight stocks in the GEM perform better.

Technically, although it is a shrinking consolidation today, the three major indexes can finally gain profits. The gap left when the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index broke through the half year line yesterday was not filled, indicating that the market is still strong. Yesterday, the market broke through 3200 points under the power of the weight, and opened the upper space. The stage has been set up, and we still have to watch the small and medium-sized board singing in the future.

[Market opportunity] Consumer stocks have been repeatedly reminded these days. Today, consumer stocks are active, and the retail sector has led the day's strong gains. At the same time, track stocks rebounded, led by the semiconductor sector. In addition, photovoltaic, lithium battery and other sectors are active. However, pharmaceutical stocks adjusted collectively, and the direction of pharmaceutical business led the decline. In addition, the high end stocks fell off the tide collectively, and the frying rate of the two cities was once close to 60%.

Xinhua News Agency reported that the most difficult period has passed, and Omikjon's pathogenicity has weakened, triggering the market's expectation of further prevention and control of the epidemic. As a result, the consumer sector strengthened. On the plate trend, the brewing plate continues to rise, but it is close to the half year line and the annual line pressure. The retail sector broke through the annual line today, but the short-term growth is also large after continuous rise, and there may be a shock demand near the annual line.

In terms of operational strategy, there is no short above the 5th day line, but the varieties with a large cumulative increase should not catch up. Investors who still have funds can focus on the opportunity of low absorption after stepping back. Judging from the number of gainers of individual stocks, today's market sentiment is not good, and most individual stocks are in a state of adjustment. However, in the long trend, we should know how to suck at a low price, rather than buy when we see a rise.

Note: The individual stocks cited in this article are only examples for analysis. The information and data are all based on the public media reports designated by the CSRC. I do not hold these stocks, nor do I recommend you to buy or sell them, but only analyze them for your reference. The stock market is risky, so investment should be cautious.


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