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Is the bull market coming?

(2022-12-05 15:30:00)

David Ding



equity market

Miscellaneous talk

[Pre market Pre judgment Verification] The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index not only filled the gap on November 11, but also left the gap on November 29. The position of the two gaps was raised. In addition, the gap on December 1 was also left on the GEM. Therefore, these two gaps will become one of the indicators to judge the strength of the market next week.

Technically, the half year line around the market gains but loses again. In fact, the half year line is secondary, and the important thing is the annual line. If the annual line can break through, it will return to the technical bull market. If it can't break through, the lower space is also limited. The current bull market above the 20th line is running well. The annual line will reach 3274-3266 points next week, which will suppress the market.

[Trend today] On December 5 (Monday), the trend of the three major indexes was divided throughout the day. The Shanghai Index rose sharply and returned to 3200 points, while the Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Index fell. By the end of the day, the Shanghai Index had risen 1.76%, the Shenzhen Composite Index had risen 0.92%, and the GEM Index had fallen 0.26%. The two markets traded 1055.1 billion yuan, 190.6 billion yuan more than the 864.5 billion yuan of the previous trading day. On the basis of last Friday's 18.3% contraction, Liangneng has expanded by 22% today.

In terms of sectors, insurance, data elements, airport aviation, Chinese word top and other sectors led the increase, while antigen detection, TOPCON battery, hotel tourism, medical equipment and other sectors led the decline. Individual stocks rose more than fell, and more than 3300 stocks in both cities rose.

【 Funds 】 Today's trading volume has increased by more than 20%, returning to the "trillion". This is a large-scale increase, and the cooperation between volume and price is still in the normal range. Last Thursday's "trillion" is just a one-day tour, and Friday's volume has shrunk and adjusted. I hope this time the volume will not shrink rapidly.

Wind data shows that the northbound capital bought 5.893 billion yuan in the whole day, including 2.459 billion yuan from Shanghai Stock Connect and 3.435 billion yuan from Shenzhen Stock Connect. In recent five days, foreign capital has continuously added more than 36 billion yuan. On the news side, the exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar has returned to below 7. The appreciation of the RMB is conducive to the inflow of capital from the north, which is good for A shares.

Level-2 data shows that the main capital of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges today has a net inflow of 100 million yuan, including 9.26 billion yuan of the main capital of Shanghai Stock Exchanges and 9.16 billion yuan of the main capital of Shenzhen Stock Exchanges. There was a net inflow of major orders in Shanghai.

Today, the main funds flowed into big finance, securities, non-ferrous metals and other sectors, and flowed out of medicine and biology, electrical machinery, automobile and other sectors, of which the net inflow into big finance was 6.564 billion.

In terms of individual stocks, China Unicom went up and down, with a net purchase of 887 million of main funds. Oriental Wealth, China Ping An, China Railway Construction, etc. were among the first to receive a net flow of main funds; Sungrow Power was sold more than 1 billion yuan, and Longji Green Energy, Yongxing Materials, Tongwei Shares and other major capital net outflows ranked first.

[Future view] My weekend article analyzed two advantages, one is the three-year action plan to improve the quality of the company, and the other is the sharp rise of China concept stocks. Today, the market was stimulated by the good news to open higher and move higher. Central enterprises with Chinese characters led the market to rise by leaps and bounds, and financial stocks also had quite good performance to jointly boost the index.

Today is Monday, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is on the positive side, indicating that the weekly line of this week is also on the positive side. And today there is another gap, which is not only a daily gap, but also a weekly gap. The future market will probably need to be filled. However, as long as the gap on November 29 is not filled, it will be strong. It is estimated that it will be difficult to fill the gap on November 29 this year. But now it is obviously the continuation of the "28" market, and I don't think it will last.

Technically, today's market performance was within expectations. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index stood at the first half of the year line, and the trading volume was enlarged. The volume price coordination was relatively ideal. This time, the probability of effective standing at the first half of the year line was relatively high. The capital from the north also continued to flow in substantially. Incremental funds continued to actively enter the market. The future market is expected to maintain a strong and continue to rise and move towards the upper annual line.

There are also two things worth noting: first, the first half of the line does not mean anything, but the last year's line (and the line is required to return to the top) is the technical entry into the bull market, which is not yet, so don't be happy too soon; Second, the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" index (GEM, Science and Technology Innovation Board) has a general performance. Today, the "double double green" market closed, and the hot spot of market funds is mainly concentrated in the low blue chip market. Therefore, we need to have a clear understanding of the current market style, otherwise we may be in a situation where we can earn no money from the index.

[Market opportunity] Today's market opportunities are still concentrated in the state-owned enterprise reform concept stocks represented by the Chinese character, and the surge of state-owned enterprise reform stocks has also led to the strength of insurance, securities companies and other blue chip sectors. In addition, data element concept stocks and airport stocks also rebounded simultaneously. However, antigen detection concept stocks weakened, and track stocks such as photovoltaic energy storage also fell into adjustment.

The diversified financial sector was active, with real estate financing easing and the implementation of the central bank's RRR reduction and other favorable incentives. The diversified financial sector was concerned by market funds. On the plate trend, the big positive line is rising today, and the short-term line has momentum to continue to rise. The upper pressure is near the 250 week moving average.

The capital inflow of securities companies is the largest, and the market making of science and technology innovation board is expected to be implemented by the end of October. The preparatory work of 14 approved market making securities firms has progressed smoothly, the business development process is nearing the end, and the securities and futures business licenses have been renewed, market making strategies have been formulated, and positions have been established simultaneously. On the trend of the plate, the positive line is rising today, and it is expected to make up for the gap above after standing on the line for half a year.

The concept plate at the beginning of the Chinese market showed a large inflow of active funds. In order to cooperate with the implementation of the Work Plan for Improving the Quality of Listed Companies Controlled by Central Enterprises issued by the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the Shanghai Stock Exchange recently formulated a new round of arrangements related to comprehensive services for central enterprises, including services to promote the return of central enterprise valuations to reasonable levels; The service will boost the professional integration of central enterprises and promote the creation of a batch of flagship listed companies of central enterprises. On the trend of the plate, today, the market opened high and went up on the positive line, with abundant funds flowing in, which is expected to continue to be strong.  

In terms of operation strategy, it still focuses on the performance and sustainability of Chinese SOEs and financial stocks.

Note: The individual stocks cited in this article are only examples for analysis. The information and data are all based on the public media reports designated by the CSRC. I do not hold these stocks, nor do I recommend you to buy or sell them, but only analyze them for your reference. The stock market is risky, so investment should be cautious.


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