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 David Ding
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The rebound is weak. Let's build the bottom here

(2021-03-10 15:48:00)

David Ding


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[Message side]
Ten billion private placement encounters "epic retreat"! It has lost nearly 40% since the worst holiday. Some multi head stock products under the 10 billion head private placement suffered an "epic retreat". Among them, the net product value of 10 billion level private placement has broken the record of the largest withdrawal since the middle of 2015. (China Securities Journal)

 The rebound is weak. Let's build the bottom here
This news is also one of the reasons for the weak rebound today, right?

[Pre order prediction]
Yesterday morning, the lowest point was 3328. I think this point has gone too far. It is estimated that it has reached the low point of this adjustment. The US stock market rose sharply again overnight. Today's A-share market opened higher. Let's observe 1. Will too much of the market open higher and go lower? Can we recover the half year line? In particular, the GEM, the leading indicator, has been leading the way down since the Spring Festival. If it can lead the way up today, it will be beneficial for individual stocks, the profit making effect of the market and the recovery of popularity. Today's 30 minute MACD of Shanghai Stock Exchange Index should be golden. In the medium term, the market will build a bottom area around 3300 points.

Today's trend
On March 10 (Wednesday), the market of the two cities rose and fell , take in the thread By the end of the day, the Shanghai Composite Index had risen or dropped 0.05% to close at 3357 points; The Shenzhen Composite Index rose 0.65% to close at 13563 points; The GEM rose 1.64% to close at 2676. The turnover of 749.7 billion yuan in the two markets throughout the day was higher than that of the previous trading day nine thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight RMB 100 million decrease 237.1 billion yuan Enlarged by 0.8%, it has shrunk by 24% today

 The rebound is weak. Let's build the bottom here

After the three major indexes opened high, they continued to fall back. The Shanghai Index took the lead in turning green, having once risen more than 1%. The index's rise narrowed to 1.5%. Near midday, foreign capital continued to enter the market, and the three indexes rebounded again, but the yellow and white lines diverged again. In the afternoon, the two stock markets fell again, the Shanghai Index fell again, and the growth enterprise market index narrowed to within 2%. At the end of the day, the index recovered and then fell again, and the fund mood was relatively discouraged. In terms of the sector, liquor stocks still led the way, while coal stocks continued to plunge.

[Market hotspot]
Seen from the plate, Niang Wine, coal, carbon neutral and other sectors led the increase, while dye, mining services, ports and shipping and other sectors led the decline. The trading volume shrank significantly, and individual stocks fell, with only 40 stocks increasing by more than 9%. The market earning effect was poor.

Today's hot plate 1: Brewing Alcohol. 600809 Shanxi Fenjiu 000929 Lanzhou Yellow River, 600616 Jinfeng Wine And other individual stocks.
The plate index has been oversold after a series of recent declines, and rebounded today. On the plate trend, the rebound capital inflow today ranks first in the industry.

Today's hot section 2: Coal. Yunmei Energy, Shaanxi Heimao, Kailuan Shares, Dayou Energy Limits of other stocks
According to the prediction of the Coal Industry Association, by the end of the 14th Five Year Plan, the domestic coal output was controlled at 41 The national coal consumption is controlled at about 4.2 billion tons, up 7% and 6% respectively from 2020 levels.

【 Funds 】
Wind data display, The net inflow of capital from the north reached 7 billion yuan. The net outflow of southward capital reached 1 billion yuan.
Level-2 data display The main capital outflow of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today is 26.1 billion yuan, including Shanghai stock market clean The outflow was 11.9 billion yuan, and the net outflow of Shenzhen market was 14.2 billion yuan, both of which were lower than yesterday.

Technical Analysis
From the perspective of the moving average system, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and GEM Index are all suppressed by the semi annual line. Today's rebound is unable to return to the semi annual line. Now there is only the last support of the annual line From Shanghai Stock Exchange Index MACD indicators, The daily line continues to run at the green column, indicating that the adjustment is not over The 30 minute MACD of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index today is as expected, and the green column of the 60 minute MACD is also shrinking. Let's see if the 60 minute MACD can be turned tomorrow. In the medium term, the market will build a bottom area around 3300 points.

[Future view]
Yesterday, the index showed a V-shaped reversal in the morning and weakened again in the afternoon. I pointed out at that time: The rebound of the day is over, but the problem is that today's bottom hunting funds have become the holding funds, and tomorrow will become the air force of the index rebound. therefore It is uncertain whether today's 3328 is the low point of this adjustment, but 3300 is basically the bottom area of this adjustment.

Today, the ultra low holding stocks represented by liquor rebounded collectively, and Shanxi Fenjiu, Wuming Kangde and others rose sharply, but the trading volume was not supported, the theme performance was weak, and only carbon neutral, secondary new shares, brokers, coal and other intraday activities were active; In individual stocks, high marks continued to make up for losses, and individual stocks such as Jimin Pharmaceutical and Taiyuan Heavy Industries fell by the limit, with only four board stocks, and short-term sentiment reached the freezing point,

However, in the afternoon, the short-term capital game intensified, and the trading limit of Jinniu Chemical rose by 19% throughout the day. On the whole, the market has stabilized after a sharp decline. In the short term, it may be dominated by shrinking shocks, focusing on the sustainability of the repair of Baotuan stocks. Since this Monday is the negative line, it is a matter of certainty that the K line will be closed this week.

The rebound is weak. Let's build the bottom here. Bottom building cannot be achieved overnight. A rebound is not the bottom. Bottom building needs a period of time. I think that the bottom area is around 3300. Tomorrow, we will see if the MACD can be turned into a golden fork in 60 minutes. If so, there will be a stronger rebound than this morning.

Operation should focus on risk control. Yesterday, half of the positions were built on bargain hunting, and today, 70% of the positions were covered at the low point Under the change of market style, you can choose some varieties whose undervalue has not been hyped in the early stage to seize investment opportunities.

Focus on the main hot spots this afternoon:
13:20    Carbon neutrality - Shenzhen Energy;
13:50    Food processing - Huatong Co., Ltd;
13:58    Wine making -- Lanzhou Yellow River;
14:03    Chemical products -- Cammet gas


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